here *i did not write these i got it off tumblr* ill write my own - TopicsExpress


here *i did not write these i got it off tumblr* ill write my own in a few x LIAM: “Come on, [Y/N], I challenge you to a drink-off!” Niall exclaims happily, slamming a bottle of water down in front of you. “A drink off?” you ask, raising an eyebrow. You and the boys had been enjoying a lazy night just hanging out, being your usual goofy selves. Apparently, this is Niall’s way of adding a little more fun to the evening. You shrug and twist the cap off the bottle. “First one to finish the whole bottle of water wins,” Niall explains. “I’ll count you off!” Louis pipes in. “On three. One…Two…Three!” You and Niall chug the water and each slap your bottles down within a matter of a couple of seconds of each other. “It’s close. It’s very close, but I’m gonna have to hand it to [Y/N],” Louis announces. “What?? No way, I definitely beat her!” Niall playfully argues. “HA! You got beat by a girl,” you tease, bringing Niall to grab your upper body, pulling you in towards him with his hand over your mouth to muffle your taunting. You’re both laughing through it all, wrestling with each other a bit until Niall finally lets you go. You shove his arm and he shoves you back. After a little while, once that moment has died down, you realize Liam had been quieter than usual. “What’s wrong?” you question and he just shakes his head. “Something’s wrong; you aren’t yourself.” You take a seat on the couch next to him, waiting for an explanation. “I dunno. It’s stupid really. There’s no reason for it to bug me,” he states vaguely. “For what to bug you?” you press. “That thing between you and Niall.” “What thing? The water game?? You’re jealous of that?! Why?” He shrugs and you continue, “Liam, shouldn’t it be a good thing that your friends and I get along so well? You don’t have to be jealous of anything; it’s all in good fun, on both sides. You’re my one and only,” you finish, giving him a kiss on the cheek causing him to smile and return back to his normal self. NIALL: “What do you want for dinner tonight?” you call into the living room. “A better question might be what doesn’t he want?” Zayn replies. You hear the video game noises for a couple of beats before Niall finally answers, “I could go for some chicken.” You pull the chicken out of the fridge and begin preparing it for dinner. After several minutes, Zayn joins you in the kitchen. “Where’s Niall?” you ask. “He wanted to hop in the shower. Want a hand?” “Sure, can you flip that chicken while I get the the sauce ready?” Your back is turned as you work at mixing up the ingredients, and when you go to turn around, you’re welcomed with a faceful of flour. “Zayn!” you sputter through the flour that’s made it’s way into every crevice of your face. He just laughs and flicks off the stove as you grab your own fistful of flour to throw at him. By the time Niall comes out of the shower, the kitchen is dusted in a layer of the white powder. Niall tries to look amused, but you can tell something’s bothering him. It isn’t until later that night, after Zayn has left, that you find out what. “I guess it just kind of irked me that you and Zayn were having that kinda fun. It just had never occured to me that you might do that kinda cutesy stuff with somone else…as stupid as that sounds,” he finally admits to you as you’re curled up on the couch together. You chuckle. “It wasn’t anything special. We were just throwing flour at each other! Would you have gotten this weird about it if it had happened between me and one of my friends?” you question and Niall considers it for a minute before shaking his head back and forth. “See? So there’s no reason to fret over this. It’s basically the same thing. I mean, Zayn checks himself out in the mirror more than my friends do, for God’s sake!” you mention, causing Niall to laugh because he knows it’s true. ZAYN: You’d been teasing Zayn about how he never likes to dance with you when you go out to events like weddings. Suddenly Louis stands up and reaches his hand out to you. “May I?” he asks formally. Happily taken aback at first, it takes you a moment to respond, but you quickly smile and place your hand in his, letting him guide you up off the chair. He takes you in his arms and begins slow dancing with you, right there in the middle of the room, as he hums out a tune that you don’t recognize. After a minute Louis speaks, “See, mate? It’s not so bad.” “Yeah, yeah,” Zayn grumbles. Louis finishes your impromtu dance with a flourished dip. You’re smiling gleefully as you resume your spot in the chair next to Zayn’s. Your smile immidiately disappears when you see how grumpy Zayn looks. “Oh, give me a break. You’re honestly mad about that?” “A little,” Zayn answers in a hushed tone so Louis, who has now turned his attention back to talking to the other guys, won’t overhear. “It just bugs me that I can’t bring myself to do something as simple as that to make you happy.” “You could if you tried. There’s really not much to it. I could give you a couple little lessons and by the time the opportunity arises again, you’ll be ready to go.” A small smile creeps onto Zayn’s face as the jealousy begins to subside and he returns to joking around once more. LOUIS: Lounging poolside with the boys one hot afternoon, they are all in the water while you soak up the sun in your chair. The boys begin splashing you, trying to prompt you into the water, but you just scream and get up to move your things further from the oncoming sprays of water. As you’re turned towards your chair, moving it back, Harry hops out of the pool. He grabs you around your waist by surprise and jumps into the water with you in his arms. When you both surface, you begin splashing him fiercely. “Harry!” you scream as he retaliates the splashes before grabbing you around the waist once more and securing your arms by your sides, keeping you from attacking anymore. You’re both doubled over in fits of laughter as he drags you around the pool for a few moments before you’ve convinced him you won’t splash anymore. He finally lets you go, and as you swim back across the pool, you’re met with an unhappy Louis. You send a small, playful splash his way, but he’s not having it. “Not in the mood,” he states simply and you just scrunch up your face at him. “If I had done that to you, you would have been so mad. But Harry does it and you laugh manically.” “That is not true, and you know it.” “Last weekend I sprayed you with the hose and you got so angry,” Louis argues. “Lou, I was in clothes, not a bathing suit. And it wasn’t the outside hose, it was the faucet hose - you got everything soaked!” Louis considers this for a minute before a smirk plays across his face. “It was still pretty funny, though, wasn’t it?” he asks, amused all over again by the memory. You glare at him for a moment before he grabs hold of you, lifting you as high into the air as he can and then tossing you into the water. HARRY: It’s a beautiful summer night and you’re sitting with the boys around a fire, enjoying this kind of time together. Niall is roasting marshmallows, you all have a few beers cracked, everyone is laughing and having a good time. After a while, you feel yourself getting nauseous. It builds up out of nowhere, and soon you fear you might toss your cookies. You quickly stand up and make your way into the house. Liam makes it to the bathroom just behind you. “You ok??” he asks, worried. “I think I just ate too much today or something. I don’t feel so well all of a sudden.” Liam rubs your back with one hand and pulls your hair aside with the other, just in case you vomit. It takes a couple of minutes for Harry to notice you’ve gone inside and haven’t come back out. He wanders into the house in search of you and spots you and Liam in the bathroom. “What happened?” he asks, stepping in through the open door. “She’s not feeling great,” Liam explains. “I can take it from here,” Harry tells Liam almost angrily. As soon as Liam leaves, Harry asks, “Why wouldn’t you come to me? Why did you go to Liam?” He sounds hurt as he picks up where Liam left off, holding your hair and rubbing your back. “I didn’t go to him, he noticed and followed me.” Harry’s face falls and you know you’ve just made the situation worse. “So now he pays more attention to you than I do,” Harry says flatly. “I never said that and you know it,” you defend before another wave of nausea hits you and you groan. Suddenly, all is forgotten as Harry scoots closer to be able to wrap his arm around your shoulders while you ride out the bout of queasiness. -Michelle
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 03:14:03 +0000

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