here is a miracle story of our buddy and old roommate that defied - TopicsExpress


here is a miracle story of our buddy and old roommate that defied all odds and is ALIVE! Aaron Peterson- you are amazing! His brother is raising funds for HLH through a 700mi bike ride if you wanna support.... From Aaron: One year ago the rare and gnarly blood disease called HLH almost took my life. In celebration of being alive, I put together a collection of photos and videos…. check out my 4-5 minute slideshow: https://vimeo/105409890 On September 1, 2013, while living in NYC, I jumped into a yellow cab and raced to the ER. Initially doctors were confused and left in wonder. Within just a few days, I was put on life support as my major organs began shutting down one by one. Three different times the doctor had the sorry, theres nothing more we can do talk with my family. They were right, there was nothing more they could do. But thank God for His promise that says the prayers of the righteous availeth much….meaning-that when His sons and daughters cry out, He listens. Thank you again for crying out on my behalf. Thank you for walking with me through that valley. I want to invite you to keep walking with me. Theres so much I (we) can to do to give back and help raise the survival rate from this monster disease. On October 4th, my brother will begin a 700 mile road bike ride in just 7 days in order to raise funds for HLH awareness. He will ride because I am one of the rare people to survive this deadly disease. He will ride so that doctors put this disease on their radar. He will ride so families who suffer from HLH can know they have a support system and family beyond themselves. Had we not found that system, I’m not sure we would have celebrated my hospital discharge back in January. Again, I invite you to keep walking with me. If you havent already, I invite you to consider giving 10 bucks (or $100 or $1000). When you give 10 bucks, that 10 bucks will be 100% matched by an anonymous donor. So when you give 10 bucks, it automatically turns into 20. Give $100 and it turns into $200. To donate 10 bucks (or more, of course), go to: https://heronetwork/page/index?id=871328 Thank you again for your prayers and support this past year. If you have questions please feel free message me back. Id love to hear from you! Much love, Aaron Surviving HLH Given a 5% chance of survival, hundreds, maybe thousands of people prayed and watched as Gods healing hand saved Aarons life and reversed the devastating effects…
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 20:18:35 +0000

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