here is last years story 2013. Twas the week before Christmas - TopicsExpress


here is last years story 2013. Twas the week before Christmas and all thru the state, all the students were anxiously waiting for Christmas break... Kathy Cox Kerbo Rice:The caffeine consumption keep the students all high, the nerves stretched thin as finals arise Josiah Butterbaugh:With one thought in there minds I need to pass my finals with at least a b - or 6 feet down my parents will make me Becky Sprouse Cox:No stress, no worry, oh how can it be As long as I pass even with a D. Kristie Coffin: Wait..Ive got this with God on my side My Strength! My Tower! His abilities are wide! Candron Alvarado:The test and the worries all keeping us up but its really the giving thats giving me hope David Cox: When all my finals are done and passed, I will still have stress levels rising fast. With Christmas only a week away, I still have to go and fight the store crowds, I would rather stay away, but putting my selfishness and pride to the side, I will find those gifts that will make everybody feel warm inside.... Ethan Cox: I saw a commercial, a tune we all know, I must get to the mall before it snows... Kathy Cox Kerbo Rice:The mall was crowded as people pushed and shoved A display fell over hands grabbed for a glove. David Cox: Like the ole lady Madea, I pulled out my glock and yelled Get Back, This Ole Lady Is Ready To Rock..... David Cox: Drop What You Have And Take 3 Steps Back, We Are All Gonna Act Civilized , Or You. Will Get Dumped Out Back, Thats A Fact!!.... Kathy Cox Kerbo Rice: Jack Amanda Cox: As the crowd backed away slowly Ethan caught a glimpse of it snowing . Ethan Cox: As I ran to the truck with jewelry in my hand, I tripped over Zak and his marching band... Amanda Cox: With a bing and bang and slip and sliding Ethan jewelry went a flyen David Cox: There was such a scamper and scurry to pick up the all the jewelry, Ethan was trampled on and smashed to the ground, by all the other band members that was around...... Kathy Cox Kerbo Rice: Dr S was underneath Ethan unseen by the group, except for the tubas who hollered and hooped. Extracting himself from the uncomfortable piled, he glared at the tubas daring them to smile. The tubas walked off, a tune could be heard, not anything a fan could know, unless you were a terd. Zak Kerbo: Dr. S was mad as he yelled and screamed, as he heard On Wisconsin being played on the scene. While everyone laughed and pointed at this all of his flaws, Ethan thought to him self, I should get some saws! Becky Sprouse Cox: So into the garage he flew like a flash, trying to find something to turn into cash. But what to his wandering eyes did he see, boxes of shoes & purses owned by Chelsea. David Cox: He screamed God help us all, if people need gifts, they can come to me instead of the mall... Ethan Cox: One by one they came and took, till nothing was left, not even a book. Ethan Cox: I went in the house to grab the keys to my truck, and headed to the woods to kill that big buck... David Cox As I got in my truck and drove away, I realized, I wouldnt be hunting today. I didnt have my tag or license per say , and I thought, I dont want to go to jail today..... Zak Kerbo: Then out of no where in huge hurry, came Santa once again, to pick up that hatchet that he never buried. Leaving Ethan in the woods, he drive off in a flash. But what he didnt know, was that Ethan was almost out of gas David Cox: As the truck spit and sputtered and ran out of gas, Ethan ran to his truck really,really fast. When he got close to the truck, he seen Santa running away, and then loaded his rifle ,and aimed Santas way..... Ethan Cox: As I aimed to shoot for what I just seen, he climbed in a truck with mike Skeen. Zak Kerbo: With a pop and a bang, Ethan shut his eyes and waited to hear the fat man sing. After no sound appeared, Ethan opened his eyes only to see that Santa had disappeared. As he mumbled and grunted, he thought to him self, he thought, mike is with Santa. This means I should sit back, relax, and open a nice cold fanta. David Cox: As Ethan was drinking his stawberry fanta, he thought to himself poor poor Santa Zak Kerbo: A story here, a story there, Santa was slowly loosing his hair Ethan Cox: So back to the woods to finish the hunt, I was laughing to hard at this stupid stunt. As I sat by the tree to wait on Bambi, all I could think of was poor Santa he is with Mikey! Zak Kerbo: Then out of no where, he heres a stumble and a crunch. Is this my dear? Is my dear? Is this my lunch? Ethan thought. But it was Santa. Mangled and mattered, from all the stories mike had chattered. David Cox: Santa said Im finished, there will be no more Christmas cheer, I think I will join you in hunting deer. David Cox: As they waited and waited for something to appear, Santa asked Ethan if he signed up for Obamacare. David Cox: Ethan said Santa bite your tongue, if you speak of that again, Ill shoot you with this gun... Amanda Cox: Obamacare was not the way to go,so Santa searched out progressive and there woman flo. Amanda Cox: But flo was to busy with all the commercials you see with selling insurance and watching duck dynasty Ethan Cox: While talking to Santa and holding my bow, without any notice out stepped a big ole doe. Ethan Cox: As I drew back and got ready to shoot, Santa gave out a loud toot. Ethan Cox: The hunt is now over. I pushed Santa out of the tree, next time he will learn not to mess with Big E Amanda Cox: Now Santa is hurt with a broken leg and cant fly the sleigh so Santa has to find another way to give gift to all the good girls and boys by Christmas Day Ethan Cox: Time was running out as Santa tried to find someone to take the reigns, when Sonja and Froy showed up to repo his sliegh.., Amanda Cox: As Santa begged and pelted to them oh please not today ,I have a lot of toy I have to deliver .. Ethan Cox: In the spirit of Christmas they said okay, for they dont want to ruin Christmas Day. Ethan Cox: With every one now happy and toys on their way, there is just one thing I must say.. Ethan Cox: Jesus was born from a virgin named Marry, for the fathers will he must carry. Jesus was sent here to save us from hell, for Gods plan that worked out real well. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice because he was sent here to pay the price. We are all saved for what Jesus did, willingly died for all of our sin. We celebrate his birth today knowing that someday we will see him face to face! Jesus is waiting for that great day when God the Father says today is the day. Go get my children and bring them all home for I am the Light who sits on the throne. This story was fun, allot of jokes were made, but we must not forget Its Jesus day. The story is now over we all had some fun, but its all about the risen Son. Merry Christmas to All! The End.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 03:28:45 +0000

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