here is one of my books exerts...please read and let me know your - TopicsExpress


here is one of my books exerts...please read and let me know your view Doll House: Sunni’s Revenge From Chapter: Goodbye Stacy Putting out her cigarette on the wooden step, Stacy headed down to take a closer look. Suddenly losing her footing, she went tumbling down all eight steps. Stacy found herself lying on the ground, her hands scratched, slightly bleeding with a bruised forehead. One of her ankles had been twisted. Her shoes were off her feet, one over here and the other over there, but in reach. She didnt scream or yell for help, a country (Kentuckian) girl like Stacy could take care of herself, she thought. Today she’d need help but no one would come to her aid. Before she could get to her feet, she saw a pair of tiny hands reaching toward her. At first she thought someone was helping her up, but no! The tiny hands grabbed Stacy by the collar of her jacket and threw her up into the air. (She must have been lifted two to three feet off the ground). She landed with a great thud and rolled back toward the steps. Again she felt her body lift from the ground and fall crashing, her bones felt like they had been smash! Her ribs were broken, her nose bleeding, she was half conscience, and in great pain; her knees were bloody and her right-hand wrist broken. A terrible fall down eight stairs broke the heel of one of her three inch Brazilian leather pumps. Just before she closed her eyes, she saw it. It was a doll, blonde hair, green eyes, grinning with the most sinister grin dolls could poise. “Why! Why!” she cried out to him stretching her hand toward him. Sunni stood looking at Stacy; her death was taking too long for him, he didnt want anyone to have the chance on saving her. He moved swiftly and accurately kicking her several time in the throat, she began choking for air. In total disbelief while taking her last breath she struggles to make sense of it all. With eyes closing she was a prisoner forever to the darkness that engulfed her, she was dead. To the unsuspecting eye, the fall looked like an accident, but to Sunni his rage was satisfied for the moment.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 21:11:49 +0000

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