here is some thing really neat. forget lables , I am dis ease , - TopicsExpress


here is some thing really neat. forget lables , I am dis ease , I feel not at ease . Sometimes when I read these I cant help thinking that if this disease would just be called dis-ease then I would feel better about it. Labelling really bothers me. I dont like to be labelled, and honestly being put into a category where an insurance company can iD me for payment bothers me. Its not a burden, its a gift. Why cant we just see it for what it really is? A glimpse of times reaction, its part of our systems. There is no illness its normal. I have had anxiety so bad in the past I could hear the blood beating in my ears. I have PTSD so that I awaken, my heart beat is irregular. Understanding that I have grief has me understand how my body reacts to it. Its not an illness, its a feedback to stress. And the reaction is how your head reads it. Dis-ease is just off balance. To get balanced, eat, pray, and Love.. All in balance.. I like this site, however I will not feed into a thinking that someone can make money off of me. My thinking is free. Like Helen Keller... She didnt have mental illness, she had blindness and deafness brought on by dis-ease. She had positive people who propelled her forward, and before womens rights she had her Bachelors degree. See? If we think we are disabled, we will be. Everyone falls into this category! If you have a pulse you can have dis-ease. Its the goal of personal balance. Personal like individual. We are not clones, but individuals with pulses who thrive with Love, and friendship and good healthy food and relationships. That doesnt make us disabled, or mental. Its the sick mentality that causes dis-ease. Physician, heal thyself. We can all do that with the power of the mind. And be fully functional as only we can be by what we put into ourselves. To be dis-ease free is a daily feedback. And the goal is to have a productive life and the less the stress the better the heart. But what the head sees the heart will agree or disagree. Its part of the feedback system. The past is part of our history, recognise it and leave it. Its gone in the day.. Let it go, be at ease.. Peace
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 21:36:04 +0000

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