heres a topic of discussion for tonight, and im looking for - TopicsExpress


heres a topic of discussion for tonight, and im looking for opinions, theres no right or wrong answer, but do please be elaborate in your answer, i would like to know why you feel the way you do: three children are involved in an incident on school grounds. 2 boys (child a and child c) and one girl (child b). so child a and b are playing on the playground, child b trips over child a and they both fall. child b winds up with a bloody nose. child a is trying to get up off of child b when child c comes running over and starts pushing child a. child a gets startled, turns around quickly and ends up putting his arm around child cs neck yelling at him to stop. (not forcibly choking him, just trying to pull him back) should child a be suspended from school for fighting? the whole incident was an accident. child b says the nosebleed was an accident, child c says he did put his hands on child a first but he was trying to help child b because he thought she was being hurt by child a. child a says what happened between him and child b was an accident and what happened between him and child c was because child c scared him when he came out of nowhere and started pushing on him.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 21:41:37 +0000

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