heres a personal story i grew up without a faith so throughout - TopicsExpress


heres a personal story i grew up without a faith so throughout life i developed one. i ascribed purpose to my life- to affect the biggest possible positive social change on humans in my lifetime whatever that means. basically some kind of uplifting moral crusade where i learn all these great things and share them with the world. i did this for a while and it worked ok. so this past year i spent 5 months living abroad and coming back to my home city i had a new objective view of humans the animals. humans are relatively new and they have no positive or negative value- they just are. as a group they really dont have it all figured out. the cities are kind of a broken system of expanding concrete and chairs with humans confined to car pods and sitting mostly. some humans run around in circles on concrete or run on treadmills like hamsters. as individuals humans are hard wired to be aggressive and violent to other humans outside of their group. they need to be competitive for resources. this thinking persists even in abundant societies. we see humans equate the success of strangers with their failures, get really angry and intentionally sabotage their own time with the hopes of bringing down their target. basically i spent my time on this crusade generally pretty disappointed with human behavior and i realized my expectations were not congruent with an objective view of the species. how could i be emotionally invested in this group? i just couldnt be. existential crisis time. this was my freakout in seattle. this self ascribed life purpose was broken and i had nothing in place. what am i even doing with my time? new plan- middle finger to the clowns, I gets mine. I am going to have the most enjoyable, pleasurable existence I can or as long as I can. I cant worry about the human group of which a large percentage would spend their time trying to stop me, because they are physically hard wired to root for my failure. maybe i am jaded right now and i cant expect how my perspective will change but heres some words of advice for those who want to hear something- try to live a great life. have a great time. dont worry about pleasing animals that dont want to be pleased. continue on your mission. humans will stand in your way at various points and try to stop you. ignore them. walk around them and keep going. some of them may even follow you! you might find yourself marching with an army. so thats my perspective right now. its rooted in positivity. every day i am on a mission to have a great day and i hope you have a great day too. peace and love
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 08:31:09 +0000

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