heres the morning update for Richard Strand, I know this isnt the - TopicsExpress


heres the morning update for Richard Strand, I know this isnt the best way to let all the family know but my dad has one of the largest cousin bases in the world and there is no way I could single handed let them all know what is going on. He is not doing well at this time, his kidneys are producing no urine and arent functioning, so they are going to start dialysis later this morning. His heart is in bad shape and they had to shock him twice last night trying to get the rhythm back where it should be. They have talked about doing a procedure to go up his leg and take a look at the heart and see just how bad it is, and of course the liver isnt in good shape either. They hope by doing the dialysis that it may help the kidneys jump start a bit. He is stubborn son of a gun and of course never doctored and that didnt help in this matter nor did the fact that he smoked, so anyone who thinks smoking doesnt hurt you I am here to tell you that you are dead wrong. Seeing him hooked up to all these tubes and wires is so hard and knowing so much of this didnt need to happen if he had just taken care of himself. thanks to everyone for the well wishes and if half the people that say they are sending prayers actually sit down and pray and send good vibes it has to help. I will do my best to update things as there isnt a whole lot to do here but sit on the computer and watch dad.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 14:20:13 +0000

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