hey aerial friends. i have a california story and question. want - TopicsExpress


hey aerial friends. i have a california story and question. want to know if flying around 60-80 feet or less at an open area of Venice beach is ok. yesterday my illusionist friend and i wanted to create a magic trick which was revealed in video through elevated perspective. so we went onto the sand in venice, CA. we flew less than 80 feet, and we made sure to fly in an open space where there were no people near by. the DJI app also gives a warning if you approach a flight restricted zone based on airport and elevation data. it gave no warning, so i felt good about it. a lifeguard truck cruised up shortly after and said hey guys, youre not supposed to fly any RC vehicles on the beach. i let him know i was unaware and asked if i could pretty please film for just 2 more minutes to get the shot we needed. :) he said that was fine and drove off. one minute later the cop car in this picture cruised up. two patrol officers inside. i thought they were going to say put it away, but they said we could fly there. they were also genuinely curious, which was why they cruised up. they asked how high it would go, and asked me to fly up as high as i could. i told them i didnt feel comfortable going higher than 100 feet in the area because helis sometimes go over the water near by and i didnt want to cause any un-needed drama incase one cruised by later. then they asked a few more of the typical questions you all are familiar with... cost, range, how hard it is to fly. after they drove off i was wondering if they were familiar w/ any local relating laws, or if they were unaware - based on what they said and how many questions they had. incase the lifeguard was correct, i didnt want our video to cause any concerns when people watch the reveal (which is around 60-80 feet in our video). i could always crop the end off if a lower height would be ideal. i wanted to avoid any problem w/ misunderstanding of whats ok at the beach. we are excited to share the video, because its got a very cool vibe and helps highlight another positive use of aerial capabilities, along w/ creative usage. i just want to make sure it doesnt garner any negative comments about it being unsafe/reckless flight. any input from you guys?
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 00:00:11 +0000

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