hey everyone im going to start a once a day post that will go up - TopicsExpress


hey everyone im going to start a once a day post that will go up in the evenings or the mornings and once a day or two ill be reciving new comments and prsonal messages and friend requests ...it will take a lil time to work out the kinks n all and it slower than yall but hey im just glad to be able to correspond and can also recive n send the regular e-mails when yall get on the truelincs setup ...ill be adding to this all day n it will go up tonight...kimberly i recived ya in the approved box in the truelincs corrlincs for e-mails n sent one so you can look for the e-mail if you havent found it yet...holla ...jennifer wilson ..thanks for the props on that ..im no angel 4sho but that my baby boy n ill always handle mine ...i got a bad situation with a possible other one who refuses to meet me half way n i know at some time it will come to a head but there is nothing i can do about it at this time ...she at first told folks and me when i offered support during the pregnancy that he was not mine and then refused support after he was born...recently i found out she had lost custody to her parents and was hinting arround he was mine again so i offered support one more time n was told she would never let me have contact with him while i was in here and refused help again ..my hands are tied on that from where i am so that is an unresolved situation ...a lot of yall know about that one ..in the meantime im just glad that stephanie allows my family n friends to visit with gannon from time to time and will allow someone to bring him to see me...i know he will grow up knowing who i am and i can do what i can do for him as much as i am able considering where i am ...i hate the drama for his sake but try not to let the negatives and the b.s. affect me in regards to him ...pretty much everyone knows the truth where all those games are concerned and take what is said with a grain of salt. the truth always comes out in the end n i do what i do 4 him n 4 him alone...once again thank you 4 the props .... KAREN LASTINGER,thanks n hope alls well ..much love n respect back at ya......BRANDY LOTT, n dem thighs LOL wassupp with ya n squirrell .....SAMANTHA JOHNSON glad to hear you r doing well n all that if you post a photo to my page and attach a note to print n mail it to me i will get it ..message me about it too. if ya got the hookup for the corrlincs you can e-mail me here directly too . what ya doin up there / ? im glad everything is going good n you are alrite n im glad we able to talk again ...it was hard from the county to reach out n touch base with folks but that is behind me now n i just got to get through the next 12 years n make it home. im still waiting on the next round of tests on this cancer thing but as long as it hasent spread or progressed too much this is one of the most treatable kinds there is n im just too damn contrary to let those folks who hope ill never come home get their way ...ill be rolling round the pond in my wheelchair LOL . take care n holla at me when ya can. ELIZABETH BROCKINGTON where yall at ? hope alls well n nothing is wrong ../???? SHAWN ERIC .take care n get at me when you get a chance n tell AMY to hook her corrlincs up , mine aint going through that way...GAY BAILEY TREET hope you are doing ok n when you can get in touch the info is here . EVERYONE ....yall a blessing to me helping keep my mind outside these fences,, i know they say outa sight outa mind n it easy to forget but those of you who take the time too just say hey n wassupp sure help me n help my time pass ....im not so much on the drama especialy the crazyness like i was but that entertaining too except the DRAMA OVER MY SON ...THERE IS NO CAUSE FOR THAT CAUSE WITH ME IT ALL ABOUT HIM N I DONT HAVE THE TIME OR INCLINATION TO ADDRESS THE B.S. NOR PLAY THEM GAMES WITH HIS LIFE ...IM NOT INTERESTED IN ANYTHING BUT WHAT I CAN DO FOR HIM FROM WHERE IM AT AND DONT WANT TO KNOW NOR CARE ABOUT ANY OF THE OTHER B.S. I PROVIDE WELL FOR HIM AND HE SHOULD NOT BE LACKING IN ANY REGARDS OR ANY WAY WITH WHAT I PROVIDE ...I HAVE NO ISSUES WITH ANYONES LIFESTYLE NOR WILL I ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES IN PUBLIC ...MY PERSONAL OPINIONS I KEEP TO MYSELF OR BETWEEN INDIVIDUALS AND I THANK STEPHANIE FOR GIVING ME A SON AND FOR LETTING HIM BE BROUGHT TO SEE ME WHEN THAT HAPPENS AND FOR VISITING WITH HIS GODFATHER SHAWN. HER CHOICES IN HOW SHE LIVES N WHERE SHE LIVES DO NOT CONCERN ME ...SHE IS WELL PROVIDED FOR WITH MY CHILD SUPPORT N AS LONG AS HE IS WELL THATS ALL I CARE ABOUT. THERE IS NO REASON FOR HIM TO DO WITHOUT WITH WHAT I PROVIDE...other than that it all is as good for me as can be expected considering where i have put myself . maybe some of the reductions they keep talking about for the drug offenders will apply to me n ill look a lil bit better but i aint holding my breath ...at least the food is wayyyy better than the state ...im getting plumb fat up in here they served two leg quarters bbq chicken 4 lunch n tater salad n marble cake yass ...wish i was bbqin in the back yard but it is what it is ...yall have a great one and as always them haters can K.M.A.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 22:19:05 +0000

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