hey fellow rye rams! so the one thing everyones talking about - TopicsExpress


hey fellow rye rams! so the one thing everyones talking about right now is how cold its suddenly gotten and how people are annoyed by the sudden realization that they have to bring out snow boots and jackets and such, which of course i understand. if i could ask one thing from you guys its just please, while youre ferociously tweeting about how cold it is while you walk to the train, or while youre snapchatting your friends about how cold it is when youre on your way to class or even when youre texting your friend that youre running into your house cause of the crazy ice cold wind thats been making the weather even more unbearable, please please please take a moment to realize how privileged you really are to be able to run into your house, your car, the train, anywhere to get shelter from this weather, because there are so many people who are forced to bear the cold in order to have a shot to glance up hopefully at folks who pass by them, praying that they spare some change, or even a glance of acknowledgement. yup, you guessed it, im talking about people experiencing homelessness. i say people experiencing homelessness because the fact that they are homeless shouldnt define them- they are a person before their social/financial status in society and that should be respected. i know im gonna get some backlash like oh those people have shelters or oh why dont they just suck it up and get a job. oh my loves, its not all that easy. yes, shelters are great for times like this, but shelters have their issues, they are not a permanent solution to this problem, as they struggle to accommodate this growing population. my point is, ladies and gentlemen, i just hope you guys all know how fortunate you guys are to be able to live in a home with heating that makes it as if the outside winds cannot touch you and to have warm food and running water to shower in and drink whenever you please. may you all have a very thankful holiday season, tis the season to be thankful for family and the many things you have to keep you healthy both mentally and physically. but please, dont forget those who arent fortunate enough to be in our shoes, the least we can do is not forget an already marginalized population. to help tackle this issue thats prevalent right on the doorstep of ryerson, RU Blessing Bags is working on a project for this upcoming holiday season to hand out blessing bags to this marginalized population. heres a link to our facebook group RU Blessing Bags: Toronto Students Helping People Experiencing Homelessness for more information on what exactly blessing bags are and our mission/values and how you guys can get involved! we dont have dates or anything yet but this will be happening soon after exams and we need all the help we can get by general volunteers! general volunteers will aid in the assembly and distribution of the blessing bags. if youre interested in helping out, join the facebook page and my vice president Bianca Marryshow and myself will keep you guys updated on how the project is going and when we need our handy dandy volunteers :) have a great holiday season guys, cheers
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 02:07:15 +0000

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