hey guys and girls, there are two very different types of - TopicsExpress


hey guys and girls, there are two very different types of happiness. the common view of happiness is feeling good, we get this from pleasure or gratification or other things, and its great. however, this kind generally doesnt last, and the more we pursue the we realise these small pleasures in the end dont satisfy us in the long run. the second, far less common view of happiness is living a rich full and meaningful life. achieved by taking action on things that matter deep within us, finding what we stand for, follow paths that are worthy, this amounts to happiness in the long run and although the path to this kind of happiness will undoubtedly give us much pleasure, it will also incur much pain, fear, sadness and anger. but we happy to experience all emotions and this is what real happiness is all about. this holiday season, I think we can all enjoy the real happiness much more by giving a bit more to the homeless and the needing. im not a humanitarian really, but how firkin awesome if giving stuff to people haha. just carrying a bit of extra change to pass onto a homeless person, or buying them seomthign to eat, or donating some money for a gift to the third world. I have really witnessed some awesome acts of giving this year already, and seeing more of it, and I know these people are truly happy doing it, more happy than those receiving it even. often, giving is the gift we are looking for and I hope we can all do more of it, especially leading up to Christmas. well thanks...im done...had a thought... there it is. bam! peace and love peeps.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 10:47:16 +0000

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