hey guys, last comment i saw, make me think there are doubts - TopicsExpress


hey guys, last comment i saw, make me think there are doubts about my last post concerning visual bugs (cats on icons) BUT also coz of overpower of the game i reached... lol ;) so, here is screenshots of my actual campaign with Neherlands (since 3weeks in real, 1or2 turns a day +/-) I am actually at 36th turn of play (winter1717) and must do new serie of screenshot about it... but here is list of screenshots when i was at 30th turn. my stats was even more spectacular ! lol (then it is at the 36th, specialy about benefits by turn... of course, the major data to move ahead) Matheus: u will not believe it more... ;) :D but i promess, not AI simulation and like for bug video: no fake, really (!) (y) ---------------------------------------------------------- my campaign is played in absolute difficulty: 1) max difficulty of the game for strategic and tactic view (4/4 for both), prestige challenge to win and... ... VERY important detail: option about time limit of tactical battles on 1hour maximum. (very important coz its the only way u have to defeat ennemy on long therm and overpower the game... its also coz its more close of reality: time matter was always a part of the equation for strategists...) am a fan of all TW serie, i play since something like 10years (? maybe more, not sure) and know all ways to win. and also for other tittles of TW (but again, no cheats, no fakes, etc...) the way to win in difficult position is linked with tactics about asymetric warfare in real (guerilla if u prefer): refuse to fight and loose (in tactical battles i mean) when u can not win by number advantage or strengh advantage. thats the way to do to move ahead and continue to grow up... (and finish by overpower the game) ... and its the reason time limit of 1hour in tactical fight is necessary to win and beat the game. etc... i already beat the game (with UK in absolute dif), thats the reason i retry with small country at start coz its a real more challenge (with Prussia or Netherlands for exemple)... 2) and last detail: i call that absolute difficulty coz its max difficulty of the game like i said before but also coz i add my own one with, to play more realist as possible: i CAN NOT use save files of the game to correct my mystakes in the game (in strategic view or tactic view). ONLY to launch back the game after period of pause or if there is a bug (anytype) and if i must restart in last situation (or simply restart coz the game crush, things like that...). so, if i think my party failed (coz error, defeats, etc...), i must restart all in 1st turn/summer1700. it gives a REAL massive challenge more to the game and BIG intrest more because its massivly more realist: in real, u loose a battle, u can not restart until prevail, etc... or restart after gave orders of movement and realise u made mystakes, run after ur postman and change the order, u see ? :) so, its the reason i play like that and enjoy it a lot. of course, in first 5turns of play (+/-), with this rule of absolute dif/max realism, u regulary choose to restart all coz of mystakes/defeats/etc... but after jointing turn10,20 or more (and play since 10 real days or more), if u follow that rule, u accept ur mystakes, ur possible defeats and u do with ! ... = REALLY more close of reality and challenge is REALLY more higher ! thats what i call the absolute difficulty... :) if u now enough how the game works and win in tactical battles, its not so difficult, just need patience and planifiate strategy on long therms in the game... after its just a matter of time before u beat the IA. so, thats for explications... ------------------------------------------------------------- here is details of my game with netherlands: - 18on20 colonial harbors under control (around 28000florins won by turn just for commercial profits) - conquered with netherlands 8 provinces (more of the 4 u rule at start): Trinidade&Tobago, French Martinique, French Guyanne, Antigua, Hispaniola, Cuba, Island and Flanders. - have a benefit by turn around 9000to11000florins +/- (depend of many things and varies a little in each turn) (about that, on screenshot for bug, am at 5500florins but its shortly limited in time: only because of 2nd elections in netherlands republic= after 2 series of 8turns with a cabinet, even if u win elections coz u have more of 50% favorable votes, u change personnalities and of course, restart with less efficiant one then u must resign until good cabinet again, etc... in repuplic, no choices its like that... :( thats the reason, AT THAT TURN ONLY, my benefits get down until 5500florins +/-, but it will comeback higher in 2-3turns max with new efficiant leaders...) - about diplomacy: allied with UK, Westphalia (? in english) and Hanover (even if hanover dissapeard after 31turn, defeated by swedish). In war with France, Spain, Genoa and Vatican States. there was alredy a war with France/Spain between 1702/1705 and 1711/1714 (10 turns of war with both but not in exact same period). it ended around the 32th turn +/- (with major victory from me and conquest of some of their provinces). but war restarted actually since the 35th turn of play. last thing about diplo: i attacked Danemark at the 32th turn of play coz their was so weak after loose of their homeland (by swedishs) and refugees in Island. i eliminate them in the 35th turn (conquest of Reykiavik) and won a refuge place for myslef just in case things turn bad in Holland and Belgium and i must leave the continent... etc... will show it in next serie of screenshots. but i will stop my novel here... LOL :) could say more details but its more to show u (and try to convince deffenatly Matheus lol): no cheats, no fakes... (and maybe real overpower of the game from my part... ;) :D ) here is screenshots at 30th turn/winter1714 (first serie about strategic menus) + some others about tactical battles (VS danemark and from the new war with France in 36th turn)
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 05:41:45 +0000

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