hey my Angel how was your day I want to post the last letter that - TopicsExpress


hey my Angel how was your day I want to post the last letter that my father wrote to you this is a little sad but I want you to see it I hope that some parts will make you smile My darling daughter this is most likely going to be the last time I will be able to talk to you. It is getting very difficult for me to write or even talk for someone else to write for me so I wish to tell you how much I loved you my darling child. You brought me so much joy that it is hard to put into words. When the husbands introduced you as their Angel I was skeptical that you were as good as they had been telling us when they asked if they could bring you home. My first impression of you was not the best mostly because they had you dressed more like a street walker than the sweet and innocent girl you are. At the time I did not know they did this so that you would appear older so we would not guess your age.My mother knew the moment she looked at you that you were not what you appeared to be but that you were just trying to give the illusion of of being older. I thought for sure that you were Jaes girlfriend because the way they had you dressed was more to his taste than any of the others and i was concerned that maybe he was getting back into the drug scene. To my surprise that was not the case. I remember that after the first time you hid out in my office playing hide n seek with them and i got to spend so much time with you that day that what i thought of you was completely off and that you were a very creative and kind girl a girl that could make me laugh just by smiling and bulling my sons into doing anything she wanted. I remember every time you and Kris would pull a prank he would insist that it was all his idea and i would scold him horribly and then you would come into the study and the husbands would stand outside the door the to hear what kind of scolding it would give you ready to barge in at any second to take what ever punishment that I was ready to give you . I could not wait for you and Kris to pull something and get caught because it was the only time i got to enjoy your company for more than a few minutes alone with out them . I dont think that they ever knew that i actually never scolded you that we would play gin rummy and i would just bellow every once in awhile so they thought that i was scolding you. It was also the only time i could get the extra jobs around the house done without argument because i would tell you and Kris that you punishment was to do those jobs and of course the other three husbands would never let you lift a finger so my 4 sons always wound up doing the extra work i needed done and i always got to spend the day with you while they worked thank you for saving me so much money over the course of the year and half that you were with us.I thank you the most for loving this old cold heart man the most you gave me something to look forward to and gave me my a real relationship with my family. For that I can not put a price or put into words how much I truly thank you.You gave me more joy in the time you were with us than i had felt in my entire life. I was completely heart broken when you left us but I thought that I could endure with out my loving child for the short period you were supposed to be apart from me. Little did I know that my life would be shattered and forever broken the next time I got to see my darling daughter What was suppose to be a happy homecoming turned into the worst nightmare of my life and one that there was no recovering from. When I arrived at the hospital and saw you when they finally brought you to recovery all I could do was sob because my beautiful angel was lying there looking like a corpse you were so pale and had tubes coming out everywhere that I had to ask my brother if you truly were still alive.When he told me yes but barley i sat by your bedside crying like a baby because i had just lost three of my sons and had almost lost you I could not bare to leave you I was afraid if I did I would lose you as well. I could not understand why it was that your family had not arrived to be with you so I asked my brother and thats when he filled me completely in on the nightmare you had been living in since you left us I could not believe that my poor darling loving girl had endured so much pain I thought that what we had been feeling was agony but it was nothing compared to what you had endured and when he told me that he could not inform anyone but your grand mother because the person who hurt you was your brother in-law and that he had to believe he had succeeded so that the police could arrest him which meant that your parents could not be informed until later. I could not believe it that this person was so evil. I was relieved when I heard they were able to arrest him with out having to put you back into danger because they caught him in the act of hurting another woman while you were asleep i was sick to my stomach but happy that you would not be in any more danger. When you woke up i was relieved but when the alarms went off after you saw the boys I knew that we had no choice but to have them sedate you and put you under hypnosis to bury your memories until you could remember with out wanting to die for this I am very sorry that I had to make that decision for you because I knew that it was what the husbands wanted you to live with very little pain and if this was the only way to give you enough peace where you would not try to kill yourself again then anything would be better than to have you leave this world. My darling loving innocent daughter everything we did it truly was out of our love for you and what was best for you so when you remember us again please do not hate us to much because it was the hardest decision I ever had to make but I wanted you alive with the chance to be happy and not joining my sons to soon I pray that in our next life we will meet and maybe fate will allow us to be the family that we should have been I have loved you every minute of everyday and will always love you my darling daughter forever no matter how many lifetimes we live you will always be my loving angel who saved my family and showed us what true pure love was Love you dearly my child always and forever
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 02:24:41 +0000

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