hi. this could be the last time i post on the referendum. it is - TopicsExpress


hi. this could be the last time i post on the referendum. it is now up to the scottish people to decide on their future. i can tell you what i would like, but untimately it is for the people of scotland to make its own mind up. we will see some politicians vanish from scotland after the referendum. their job of spreading lies and discord done, we all know the ones i mean, the greasy pole climbers going back to westminster, some no doubt to a few wee contracts on some private health companies books, others to be rewarded with government contracts for their own private firms, their promises rotting like leaves on the ground on a windy november day. there will be others that the people of scotland will push out themselves, the stupid ones, the scapegoats. no matter what happens, these clowns, who some may support now, will be forced out of politics and made to wear the shame and the guilt of the losing side, and to assuage the feelings of treachery, that they deserve for not standing strong and supporting their own people. anyway, back to the last couple of days of the campaign. us yessers, will be put under pressure, the strong nos will also face strong pressure, but the most pressure will be saved for the undecided, they will be pulled like a tug of war rope, their vote being the red rag in the middle of the rope. they are the ones least understood by both sides. some say they have not had enough informatiom, while others say they have had too much. then there are the greedy voters, who are just waiting to see who will offer them the most, so their shares will be safe. these last three groups get only distain from me. if it is enough for about 80 per cent of the electorate to have made their minds up, then what is the matter with the majority of the 20 per cent that is left. the elderly voter, i can understand, or the confused, but the rest have had over two years to look at what will be the best road scotland should take itself down. anyway my advice would be yes, no ifs or buts, just a strong clear yes. to fall for a snake oil salesmans patter, when he has sold you rubbish before, will really only make scotland look stupid. even more so when the back benchers at west minster have told you, you are getting, not more powers, but less. and how bitter will you feel under the boot heel of successive right wing westminster governments as they plunder scotlands wealth and spread it out amongst themselves, and not the population who really need it, and your own life get worse instead of better, all because you could not bear to hold your brothers hand and stand strong and proud, because you lacked the confidence, in both yourself and your own fellow countrymen. and returned to the the wee poor kilted scots, whos lives were bound to their lords, not because they inspired, but because they were born with the silver spoon in their mouth. well you can keep that shame and guilt for the next 15-20 years until your children try to right your cowardly wrong. the bird is out the cage, and it will never go back in, never. it will only grow stronger and sing louder, because it has tasted the freedom it always should have had. it is still not too late for the nos, and the undecided to join the yes camp, and fly free. to be able to say nearly, but not quite, we napped a wee bit, but we woke up just in time for our work. and that work is to make scotland the best country it can be, not the place westminster wants, meek, quiet, and here is a horrible word, servile. chase them, be the scotland that the rest of the world expects. proud, strong, fair, and above all, confident.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 09:27:43 +0000

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