hiiii!! My name is Olivia and I would like to share what 2014 was - TopicsExpress


hiiii!! My name is Olivia and I would like to share what 2014 was like for me. In 2014 I experienced a HUGE awakening where I had done lots of research and finding what is and is not in alignment with my true self! Changing negative to positive in a very integrative way. I also discovered that I had hybrid children and have been very interested in the hybrid races. So this is MY 2014 story!!!❤️❤️ Well it all started in February 2014 and In the beginning of 2014. I was somehow pulled towards the idea of aliens. I discovered the Greys and I researched for two months the hybridization program. During the period in February I felt pregnant and I missed my period cycle but shortly after I regained it. Sometime in the month of March I had a dream of being in the outer hull of a spaceship and remember looking at a very big transparent window. I could see the stars and colors of space whizzing past me and it was gorgeous! I was also given a tour in this dream of the ship. in April I discovered bashar and I started to ascend greatly from there. Every day on my spare time I would look up and learn new things from channelings such as adronis, bashar, and treb. I still do this today!! Summer of 2014 was about changing my beliefs from negative to positive and changing them to be more in alignment with my true self. These beliefs I preferred to be true and now I feel free!! In September I had a dream in which I was taken into this control room and I met three beings who later on from a confirmed channeling I discovered to be my hybrid children!!! Treb revealed to me that in my energy most specifically he could sense that these were my ACTUAL children!!! This little boy with big blue eyes and short fuzzy blonde hair came right up to me and hugged me and I hugged him back and chatted with him to say hello!! And I waved to this girl with brown hair that was up in a bun and I dont remember saying much to the other boy but I think I waved to him as well and I did talk to him and the female being. He also had brown hair as well but I dont remember their eye colors as I was connecting to them energetically. But Ive had other inner eye visions of them pop up a couple of times and my hybrid daughter I think has my green eyes. My other hybrid son I think has blue eyes. I can remember my blonde son most specifically because his energy is very bright and vivid! But I remembered better when I woke up and sat up straight away knowing I had some connection with these beings because I felt it in my heart. At the time I excused them to be my hybrid siblings because I did not think it was possible to have hybrid children at my age. For me making it more logical sense I would have siblings because my father was in his twenties in the 90s and it made more sense for me. I thought the hybridization program had ended years ago. But Ive heard there are many hybridization programs as well. However at the time back in February I did recall feeling pregnant and I actually did put myself in a reality where I thought the hybridization program was still going on. Also during that month period I remember that I would wake up in the middle of the night with my heart pounding and feeling as if something had just been done to me. One time I actually woke up and I felt like there were beings in the room with me. I was scared so I went under my covers but I peeked around the room to see that the room was sort of lit like some light source was shining near the edge of my bed and around that area. Also the room felt different and I heard something knock on my dresser and heard movement around the room. Again I was too scared to come out from under my covers but I do remember my little sister waking up along with me and when I turned the lights on she said she saw a being stand on a stool in my room and then walk out but all she could see was the shadow because the room was very dark. So anyways a day after I had the dream with my children, I had a spaceship sighting experience. So I was in the car heading to the mall with my mom and we stopped at a stoplight and something urged me to look up and I did and I saw a flashing green light in the sky. It flashed for about ten seconds before disappearing. When it was flashing it was flashing almost like a strobe light. Then when I was coming home from the mall approaching my house near my old school I saw a triangular spacecraft that was black following the car on the side and apparently my mom didnt see it but I did. I also have had many dreams of seeing spaceships and one of my favorites was in the quasi physical state when I was standing near my bedroom window and I drew the shades back and I looked up into the night sky to see that a bunch of spaceship lights started appearing in the sky! Then I went outside and looked up to see lights in a triangular formation above my house. Another one was that I was in this unknown location again in the template level reality with a mass amount of people and looking up into the sky and seeing a v shaped spacecraft in the night sky. All the people around me were talking to each other and pointing to the sky in awe of this spaceship. But I was just standing there casually observing because seeing spaceships was no surprise for me and I was well aware of ET existence. The most recent dream Ive had in December 2014 is me connecting energetically with my hybrid children in the ocean and swimming with them💙💙💙 I remember this because I remember my hybrid sons blonde hair and blue eyes and his bright energy and smile, his siblings along side him. I havent had interactions with them that recently right now. (January 5, 2015) Even though I discovered them about a month ago to be my children rather than siblings by watching my question and answer in the treb channeling I participated in, but I know that I will connect to them again when it is necessary for everything happens at perfect timing😊😊😊
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 21:25:35 +0000

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