hmmmm.... Sagittarius 2014 could prove to be one of your - TopicsExpress


hmmmm.... Sagittarius 2014 could prove to be one of your most social years on record, Sag! The isolation you endured in 2013 is finally coming to an end. Nothing is more unbearable to your free-bird soul than the feeling of being sequestered! Luckily, 2014 proves to be just the opposite. If anything, youll be craving a retreat by the end of the year just to recover from the non-stop mixing and mingling. Theres so much emphasis on your house of groups, friendships and long-term goals that youll happily be back in the ambitious saddle this year. You live for goals, challenges and aiming sky-high. This is your year to totally push past every limit imaginable. Youll even surprise yourself with how resourceful you can be. Plus, youve got so much support from friends, family and colleagues that you cannot possibly lose. The emphasis is on your friendships and allies this year. Youve never needed or appreciated the help of your friends more than you will in 2014. The beauty and brilliance of this year is how your tribe will faithfully come through for you again and again. Theres nothing more valuable. Friends and community are your saving grace and source of endless celebration. This is also one of the best years on record to gather together your favorite like-minded people to accomplish greatness. It doesnt matter whether you rally for business, creativity, spirituality or all of the above. The point is to congregate. There is crazy strength in numbers this year, so work those connections! Your money situation looks incredibly bright in 2014, thanks to the ongoing influence of lucky Jupiter in your house of other peoples money all the way through July. You can ask for big loans and other forms of financial support and investments that would normally seem a bit daunting or unrealistic. Take bigger risks without throwing yourself into crazy debt because Saturn is still asking you to put the brakes on owing too much to others. This is a year for building not depleting your bank accounts, and considering the surging levels of creativity youre about to experience, youll have no problem manifesting all that you want. Finally, travel looks spectacular starting this summer when your auspicious ruling planet (Jupiter) moves into your zone of long-distance adventure until the end of the year. Youre lucky jet-setting streak kicks in full force by July.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 14:19:53 +0000

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