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home | RTR Friday Road Trip | Friday Road Trip 10/17/14 Friday Road Trip 10/17/14 Bix Weir Printer-Friendly Format *new block added and removed from Georgia Guidestones...hmmm. Times are strange... youtu.be/WlmeUbMD3zY Clifs Latest...Not With a Bang But A Whimper Clif Highs latest Webbot runs looking into our future are showing the worst possible scenarios for the ebola/disease freakout. Truth or not the Ebola virus hysteria is a self-fulfilling destructive force globally. Heres a summary of Clifs projections... 1) Global flights in the EU hugely impacted by November 2014 through 2018 2) Infected people left on planes to die in place. 3) Global shipping abruptly ends. Unable to unload people, cargo or human waste. 4) Cruise ships quarantined and passengers shot for trying to escape. 5) US Military stranded overseas. 6) Churches go belly up due to lack of attendance. 7) Schools/Colleges close as Ebola invades campuses. 8) Sporting events cancelled or not attended. Even televised games get cancelled due to lack of people willing to play or film the games You can read it for yourself here: halfpasthuman/ So Clif has been jumping up and down about the ramifications of just TALKING about Ebola for months...and now we are experiencing the beginning. Not the middle or end but just the very tip of the beginning! A few weeks back he said there would be school closures... huffingtonpost/2014/10/16/schools-close-ebola_n_5998674.html Just how bad can it get? According to the experts YOU DONT WANT TO KNOW! zerohedge/news/2014-10-16/researchers-expect-over-20-us-ebola-cases-weeks-you-dont-want-know-worst-case We have a worst-case scenario, and you dont even want to know, warns Alessandro Vespignani, a researcher creating simulations of infectious disease outbreaks, but there could be as many as two dozen people in the U.S. infected with Ebola by the end of the month. The projections only run through October because its too difficult to model what will occur if the pace of the outbreak changes but, as Bloomberg reports, Vespignani warns if the outbreak becomes more widespread in other regions, it would be like a bad science fiction movie. END But what if its all a fake false flag? What if these are all staged events? Yes, I think a majority of them are...but so what? Whoever is doing it is looking for specific results: 1) Fear in the eyes of the public...Ahhh! Dont get near someone sneezing on the bus! Or at the grocery store!! Or at school!! Or anywhere in public! Just turn to your government to protect you! BS!! 2) Blame for the coming financial meltdown. Obviously, the timing is perfect for the Bad Guys. 3) Or could it be that the Good Guys are preparing the people for the transition to a new way of life. If everybody is hunkered down for the global monetary crash then it may go a lot smoother!! Take you pick but all have the same effect...PANIC and CHAOS. Gold and Greenspan and The Road to Roota Theory One of my most controversial calls was when I told the gold bug world that Greenspan destroyed the system on purpose to return the United States to a Gold Standard. Heres the original article as submitted to Bill Murphys LeMetropolecafe in 2007... Greenspans Golden Secret roadtoroota/public/101.cfm The amount of grief I took from publishing this on Bills Gold Bug website was staggering. A full revolt by some longtime friends! But as time went by and events transpired many have come to understand the true meaning behind Greenspans actions and many of those same deserters have come full circle to understand the truth...Greenspan is on our SIDE! If you havent gotten there yet...you will. There lots of talk about Greenspan taking questions from the audience at the New Orleans Conference next week. Heres the organizer talking about it... Again - here are my questions for the maestro is anyone gets a chance to ask him... Questions for Alan Greenspan from Bix Weir of RoadtoRoota #1) Throughout the 60s and 70s you were the most ardent advocate of returning to a gold standard but flipped that position when you became the Fed Chairman in 1987. You then began claiming that humans could control an unbacked monetary system if we controlled the system AS IF we were using the strict principles of a gold backed system. During your 20 year term at the Fed you went on to inflate the monetary system beyond any previous Fed Chairman, promoted and defended unregulated derivative growth and supported the repeal of the banking provisions in the Glass Steagall Act all of which were cited as the causes of the 2008 financial crisis and the current need for perpetual Quantitative Easing. Now in your post-Fed writings you have flipped once again to tout the virtues of gold. My question is... Did you do it all on purpose to destroy the unbacked fiat system and return the United States to a true Gold Standard? #2) Along with your childhood friend John Kemeny, you were one of the very first computer programmers back in the 1960s and 1970s creating the very first electronic assets the world had ever known and even blaming yourself for the Y2K problem. My question is... As head of the Council of Economic Advisers for Nixon in the 1970s did you use your computer programming skills to implement market rigging programs in order to help control gold prices after the US went off the Gold Standard? #3) Central bankers continually claim that they do not intervene in the gold market but on July 24, 1998, before the House Banking Committee you made the following statement: Central banks stand ready to lease gold in increasing quantities should the price rise. My question is... Is this not an admission that Central Banks not only intervene in the Gold market but collude and conspire with each other in doing so? #4) Although we have heard rumors of the subject matter for your Columbia Graduate School Thesis and Reuters published some of its contents - you have never released it to the public. My question is… Will you ever release a full copy of your graduate thesis and, if not, will you confirm or deny that it was entitled The Road to Roota? :) END I cant wait to all hear the questions and his responses!! In the end I believe that my analysis of Greenspan and the Road to Roota Theory will be proven to be true. At least more true than any other analysis put forward about the life and times of Alan Greenspan. The Derivative Bubble Popping Word on the street is that the highly volatile oil price has set a derivative book on FIRE!!! Like...LOTS OF FLAMES!! Structured derivatives dont like much volatility and the oil price has been ultra volatile lately. And yes - any derivative book that goes sideways is a HUGE risk! 5 U.S. Banks Each Have More Than 40 Trillion Dollars In Exposure To Derivatives theeconomiccollapseblog/archives/5-u-s-banks-each-have-more-than-40-trillion-dollars-in-exposure-to-derivatives When is the U.S. banking system going to crash? I can sum it up in three words. Watch the derivatives. It used to be only four, but now there are five too big to fail banks in the United States that each have more than 40 trillion dollars in exposure to derivatives. Today, the U.S. national debt is sitting at a grand total of about 17.7 trillion dollars, so when we are talking about 40 trillion dollars we are talking about an amount of money that is almost unimaginable. And unlike stocks and bonds, these derivatives do not represent investments in anything. They can be incredibly complex, but essentially they are just paper wagers about what will happen in the future. The truth is that derivatives trading is not too different from betting on baseball or football games. Trading in derivatives is basically just a form of legalized gambling, and the too big to fail banks have transformed Wall Street into the largest casino in the history of the planet. When this derivatives bubble bursts (and as surely as I am writing this it will), the pain that it will cause the global economy will be greater than words can describe. END So to support these rumors the big banks have decided to AGREE amongst each other to NOT COLLECT on any huge derivative losses...WHAT?! Banks accept derivatives rule change to end too big to fail scenario reuters/article/2014/10/11/us-banks-derivatives-regulations-idUSKCN0I00T720141011 (Reuters) - The $700 trillion financial derivatives industry has agreed to a fundamental rule change from January to help regulators to wind down failed banks without destabilising markets. The International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) and 18 major banks that dominate the market will now allow financial watchdogs to apply temporary stays to prevent a rush to close derivatives contracts if a bank runs into trouble, the ISDA said on Saturday. A delay would give regulators time to ensure that critical parts of a bank, such as customer accounts, continue smoothly while the rest is wound down or sold off in an orderly way. end THIS IS FINANCIAL INSANITY AT ITS FINEST!!! What kind of free market do we have if people are not punished for their bad bets? Whats to stop any of these big institutions from increasing the size of their bets to ENSURE they are too big to lose?? Welcome to the land of the NEW free. Another Silver Lawsuit Heres the latest silver manipulation lawsuit. Silver price-fixing lawsuits consolidated in Manhattan federal court reuters/article/2014/10/14/antitrust-silver-idUSL2N0S91QO20141014 Oct 14 (Reuters) - Litigation alleging that Deutsche Bank AG , Bank of Nova Scotia and HSBC Plc illegally fixed the price of silver has been centralized in Manhattan federal court. Lawsuits filed by investors since July over the alleged price-fixing were consolidated on Tuesday in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, following an order issued last Thursday by the U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation, a special body of federal judges that decides when and where to consolidate related lawsuits. The panel ruled that the cases should be handled by U.S. District Judge Valerie Caproni in Manhattan, who is already overseeing similar litigation over alleged gold price-fixing. Three suits were originally filed in Manhattan, while two were filed in Brooklyn. The plaintiffs in the Brooklyn suits had sought to have the litigation consolidated there. END The problem with all these silver manipulation lawsuits is two fold: 1) All the judges that end up hearing the suit are either corrupt or not allowed to rule in favor of the plaintiff. 2) If they did rule that silver was manipulated and the price was allowed to be freely traded the Global Fiat Monetary System would implode in a matter of days. So its no little deal if silver manipulation is proven... ...but keep trying fellas!! Love to Hear This...Gold Data Lies Exposed! Jeff Christian can shove this where the sun never shines! Shanghai Exchange Chairman Admits China Gold Demand Topped 2000 Tonnes In 2013 zerohedge/news/2014-10-12/shanghai-exchange-chairman-admits-china-gold-demand-topped-2000-tonnes-2013 This is the final blow for the ones who still couldnt comprehend, after all evidence presented, the amount of Chinese non-government gold demand in 2013. At the LBMA forum in Singapore June 25, 2014, one of the keynote speakers was chairman of the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) Xu Luode. In his speech he made a few very candid statements about Chinese consumer gold demand, that according to Xu reached 2,000 tonnes in 2013. In contrast to the Word Gold Council (WGC) that states Chinese gold demand was 1,066 tonnes in 2013. Xus speech has now finally been translated and published in the LBMA magazine The Alchemist #75. END The Amount of disinformation we are fed by CPM Group, the World Gold Council and GMFS/Reuters is staggering. They are finally being exposed. A Warning To All Freedom Bloggers The information about Harvey Organs website being taken down is a wake up call to everyone who fights for the cause via the internet...it is THEIR PLAYGROUND and they can kick you out at any time!! Harvey Organs Gold and Silver Blog Has Been Completely Deleted by Court Order jessescrossroadscafe.blogspot/2014/10/harvey-organs-gold-and-silver-blog-have.html Heres the latest... silverdoctors/harvey-organ-updates-his-readers-will-continue-posting-on-silverdoctors/ I always thought Harveys info good but not very exciting as all the official numbers are a fraud so how can you glean any good info from them. Maybe I should rethink that philosophy after this news. Got a Cold..YOU are Detained! Obama Signs Executive Order to Allow Detention of Americans With Respiratory Illnesses As the Ebola outbreak continues to cause concern, President Barack Obama has signed an amendment to an executive order that would allow him to mandate the apprehension and detention of Americans who merely show signs of respiratory illness. The executive order, titled Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases, amends executive order 13295, passed by George W. Bush in April 2003, which allows for the, apprehension, detention, or conditional release of individuals to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of suspected communicable diseases. The amendment signed by Obama replaces subsection (b) of the original Bush executive order which referred only to SARS. Obamas amendment allows for the detention of Americans who display, Severe acute respiratory syndromes, which are diseases that are associated with fever and signs and symptoms of pneumonia or other respiratory illness, are capable of being transmitted from person to person, and that either are causing, or have the potential to cause, a pandemic, or, upon infection, are highly likely to cause mortality or serious morbidity if not properly controlled. infowars/obama-signs-executive-order-to-detain-americans-with-respiratory-illnesses/
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 16:24:47 +0000

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