hot off the press from last weekend, Elias on change, control and - TopicsExpress


hot off the press from last weekend, Elias on change, control and trust: Trust is the option of this Shift Presently you are experiencing a time framework that is very similar to a birth. Significant change is difficult for you, and throughout your history as a species, what is familiar to you, is when significant change is upon the horizon, is that you turn to conquering. You turn to dominance. You turn to violence. To control. These are expressions that emphasize control. and when you feel threatened collectively and when you are uncertain collectively and individually, the automatic fallback is control, not trust. In this, you are not moving in the direction, at this present time, of generating some apocalyptic action or event. You are not moving in a direction of involving most of your world in some tremendously violent action or tremendously destructive action. You are moving in directions of asserting control based in fear, and apprehension. And that generates a discomfort and when you are discomforting you turn to control. In this, what is occurring is there are many, many, many, factions, many groups, many areas throughout your planet that are expressing considerable unrest. They are afraid. They are apprehensive in relation to change, they are uncertain, and they do not know what to expect. And very similar to most of you in this room in your individual lives, in mass scales, collectives are experiencing very similarly. What is the next step ? You have already moved in the direction that we have discussed many times, into not expressing the familiar expressions of plans. Therefore, many individuals are uncertain--they do not know what the next expression is. They do not incorporate the goal. They do not know what the goal is yet. And in that, they are not even certain of the method. All that they are certain of and all that you are certain of is that change is happening. It is imminent, and what do you do? And this is what you have been moving towards in relation to those terms that I have expressed thousands of times in trusting. Now is your genuine opportunity to enact that, and it is not only your opportunity to enact it, but you are moving yourselves in directions to offer yourselves fewer and fewer choices other than to trust. For you are clinging to the control but the control is not accomplishing. In your very simple terms, control is not working. It is malfunctioning. Therefore you are placing yourselves, intentionally, regardless of whether you are aware of it or not, you are doing this intentionally, you are placing yourselves in positions in which you will force yourselves to trust, for that is the option of this Shift. Control will not be successful with this Shift, therefore, you will try and try and try and try and what have we expressed about trying? Trying is not doing! Trying is moving in a circle and frustrating yourself. Trusting is the direction that is required but it is very unfamiliar even to this present time framework. In this, I expressed previously a very simple example of allowing yourselves an example of what trust is to help you to recognize it, and whether you are expressing it or not. You all express trust every day. Every day in your lives, throughout your day, you are expressing trust, you are merely not paying attention to it as being trust. What is important is for you to use your example of trusting yourself to become familiar with how that feels, what it is when you trust and therefore you can translate it into other directions. I have expressed previously, most individuals operate vehicles. Correct? Most of you operate motor vehicles, or even if you do not, you understand how. In this, the operation of your motor vehicle is an excellent easy example of trust. When you want to transport yourself from one location to another location, you step into your vehicle. When you step into your vehicle you are not sitting within your vehicle for one half hour or an hour or four hours or three days analyzing , How shall I engage the engine? What action should I do now to begin the movement of my vehicle? Am I doing it the right way? Am I sitting in my vehicle wrong?....
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 06:10:39 +0000

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