https://facebook/CREATIVESTRENGTH THE GLOBAL PREVALENCE OF COMMON PATHOGENIC DISEASES Scalar energy is a direct manifestation from God: A perfect and perpetual carrier wave of light that serves to communicate the intelligence or information of the universe. Thus, scalar energy is the intelligence or information system of the holographic universe that facilitates instantaneous communication for all spiritual, mental, emotional and physical activity. In specific, every prayer, thought, emotion and physical object is a scalar energy manifestation that instantly communicates with every other prayer, thought, emotion and physical object in the universe. This instantaneous communication is expedient in order to maintain the harmony of the universe. In short, scalar energy produces order out of chaos in the universe. The scalar energy pathogenic cleanse that I have developed allows me to broadcast the intelligence or information necessary in order to disassemble a pathogen. In practice, scalar energy serves as the carrier wave that allows me to disassemble pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoan. Succinctly, the scalar energy pathogenic cleanse administers the intelligence or information necessary to disassemble or disorganize the molecular and atomic bonds of any pathogen. Subsequently, a pathogen is transmuted into smaller, elemental forms and therefore ceases to exist. Pathogenic disease is prevalent throughout the world posing a serious threat to human and animal health. Below is a list of pathogenic diseases as well as their global prevalence. PATHOGENIC DISEASE NUMBER OF PEOPLE INFECTED 1) tuberculosis one-third of the global population 2) HIV/AIDS 35.3 million 3) malaria over 200 million infected annually 4) hepatitis C 150 - 200 million 5) cholera 3 - 5 million infected annually 6) herpes simplex type 1 60 - 70% of the global population 7) typhoid fever 21 million infected annually The scalar energy pathogenic cleanse is capable of disassembling and eradicating the causative agents of these pathogenic diseases thereby offering a treatment modality that will bring relief and healing to millions of people throughout the world. Below is the list of the aforementioned common pathogenic diseases and the causative agent responsible for each infection: PATHOGENIC DISEASE CAUSATIVE AGENT 1) tuberculosis Mycobacterium tuberculosis 2) HIV/AIDS HIV virus 3) malaria Plasmodium malariae 4) hepatitis C hepatitis C virus 5) cholera Vibrio cholerae 6) herpes simplex type 1 herpes simplex virus-1 7) typhoid fever Salmonella typhi SCALAR ENERGY DISASSEMBLES AND ERADICATES SALMONELLA TYPHI THE CAUSATIVE AGENT OF TYPHOID FEVER In practice, the scalar energy pathogenic cleanse that I have developed disassembles and eradicates the causative agent of these pathogenic diseases. Subsequently, a virus, bacterium, fungus or protozoan is disassembled into smaller and harmless physical forms such as elements of carbon, oxygen, phosphorous, iron, calcium, nitrogen, etc. In synopsis, the scalar energy pathogenic cleanse transmutes the atomic and molecular bonds of a pathogen whereby the causative agent of infection ceases to exist. The scalar energy pathogenic cleanse will one day be heralded as an effective and painless treatment modality to either cure or prevent pathogenic disease. May God grant you excellent health. Thank you. Thomas J. Paladino https://facebook/CREATIVESTRENGTH
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 08:16:09 +0000

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