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   The seudo-mexican jew nazy illuminati are continued doing fiscal and accounting frauds according the Jew World Order, the zionists are using old jew accounting methods instead of my technology it called ERP Playing thesis and anti thesis in the jew nazy illuminati style These Rothschild using the jew nazy illuminati killed the accounting and fiscal regulators in the 911 attack in NYC while they have been destroying the development of industrial engineering as in the Graduate Department at UPIICSA and attacking me because I am the creator of the ERP technology, main finance tool of the zionism to continue stealing our taxes world wide The Jew Wolrd Order was created before the mexican independence, it is a way to steal our taxes using ancient jew illuminati methods They are stealing millions of dollars without using my technology it called ERP with industrial engineering as a science, while they continue using the ancient jew illuminati methods created before the mexican independence, these techniques create unemployment of high executive with pretty good contacts to make such crimes, they check the fraudulent procedure in hotels, restaurants and White Houses to agree all of them, the government entities are involved like Military, PEMEX and others The jew illuminati World Order was made before the mexican independence and it has been used to steal our taxes in Mexico and USA, the zionists want to replace USA and Mexico for China and Isreal according with the evil Rothschild´s plans The top decisions are taken at Corporates and Government by jew nazy illuminati, they are infiltering Corporates and Government for long time ago, easily they can have the positions having high risk of being psycopaths because jew genes The White Houses of the Rothschild and the 40 jew illuminati thieves is real and they have been working in world wide businesses to steal our taxes, thy might be related to the killing of the accounting and fiscal regulators in one of the towers in NYC in the 911, as well as in the real state fraud all over the world among others The US and mexican Presidents have been cheating to us, telling us wrong economic figures and without comparing to Hernan Cortes and the Viceroys before the mexican independence, the jew illuminati took control of our economies before the mexican independence with the Jew World Order There are using old ancient jew illuminati accounting methods instead of using my technology it called ERP with industrial engineering as a science to create an economic environment to steal our tax money
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 15:48:50 +0000

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