Here is a video of Ronan - TopicsExpress

   Here is a video of Ronan figuring out the walker. Daddy took him to therapy tonight and he said this was after Ronan had done 3 laps with the walker. We decided today we were going to get him one for home. Exciting, with a tinge of sadness. He just wants to go. Its sad to see him have to work so hard. He is starting to pull up on his left side up into kneeling,which is a great inch stone. He can stand unassisted for around 8-10 seconds. It is SLOW but steady progress. Thats long as we are moving forward! His speech is the area where he is excelling the most. At last count he has 30+ words. My favorite is when he yells...Mama, er are uuuu? (Where are you) Or I eed you! (I need you) or get you! He has the sweetest voice. He loves squealing for Daddy and every time the phone rings, he says Daddy! The other big development... With some coaxing, he will use rightie to get me in the face. That takes some aim and shoot with his arm/hand! Its not perfect, but he is moving it with purpose!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 00:55:11 +0000

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