Maryanne Godboldo wanted - TopicsExpress

   Maryanne Godboldo wanted to stop giving her daughter Risperdal after it worsened her daughter’s symptoms. The kicker? Maryanne’s daughter was a normally-developing child before her she had her vaccines at age 11 to “catch-up” so that she could attend public school. Maryanne’s daughter, Ariana, was given Risperdal to treat the symptoms she developed following her shots. Another doctor who saw Ariana later diagnosed her with encephalitis (brain inflammation or swelling) caused by her vaccines. Maryanne was imprisoned and her child was taken away for 9 months. As recently as March 2014, Maryanne Godboldo was still fighting the case in court, and Wayne County prosecutors said they will appeal yet again. This mom is a hero. Parents should ALWAYS be their childs advocate. If something doesnt seem right to you seek a second, third, fourth opinion because when it comes down to it YOU are the only one who can protect your child.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 02:16:59 +0000

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