I am crucified with Christ: - TopicsExpress

   I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. I am a dog chasing cars, I wouldnt know what to do with one if I caught one,you know, I just do things Something I struggle with his living by my own strength, And its gotten me into a lot of trouble.Im the type of guy with a lot expectations so when there not met I can get preeeetty disappointed. Especially when it comes to women haha. But as I watch this it encourages me to just let go and let God. I feel like as Christians we underestimate how dependent we are on God. I mean Paul literally says that he died, and now Christ has taken over. Its liiiiiike,say you literally died and your spirit left your body. The next day the ghost of Jesus takes your spirits place. Its literally now like Christ is living in your stead. I think the struggle that I have mentioned which is another reason I think God is tight, is that his possession of us is so voluntary. What I mean by this is that he really cares about us and does not want to force himself upon us. I think there is something about God how he is irresistible and I think there really are times when god wants you to do something and he really bugs you about it to the point where it seems like manipulation. But the reality is God is seeking people in the earth who will let him take over. But in my life Ive have a hard time doing it because deep down I just want to be able to say I did it. But thats not the gospel, the gospel is that christ did it all and Is still doing it through us. I seem to be releasing more and more control over things in my life and its kind of freaky, but cool though at the same time. But I noticed that when I do things in my own strength its so boring and dissatisfying. But if through christ its the opposite. So, joker is saying just do things and I think as Christians we need to heed that lesson. I think we just need to stop taking ourselves so seriously and let him reign. So the thing about the joker is he is possessed by this pure evil, but as Christians we have the opportunity to be possessed by pure good. And just do things. Stop over thinking, stop over-planning, and stop over expecting. Hes says hes an agent of chaos and that he trys to show the schemers how pathetic there attempts to control things really are. And if we saw how God saw our plans, they would be pretty pathetic. I mean God is crazy about us and wants to help us accomplish our goals,but the word says commit your ways to The Lord and he will establish your plans. The joker says do I really look like a guy with plan, the mob has plans, Gordon has plans, you had plans and look where that got you. In my mind the plan is the law. Ive been to churches that have had a very strict plan, but at times it negated the perfect law which is made possible by the spirit of God. But in our planning Ive seen that many times weve traded the perfect law of love for a carnal one. Meaning its all in the intention and reliance. Christians adhere to the same law, but those of us who are free in christ have the understanding thats its no longer us obeying the law in our strength, its Christ who lives in us. So, we just do things. Paul makes it very clear he is not trying to belittle the law but uphold it.So,plans and goals are good, they help us stay focused. But the problem is we makes our plans more important than Gods love. And I think there is something about chaos. I think in letting Gods spirit reign, it may get kind of chaotic, but I think there is a balance to be found there in that we invite God to just overcome our plans by doing more than we can ask or imagine. It says that he prepared in advance the good works that we should walk in them. This is kind of trippy to me in that we cant out-plan God rather we should synchronize ourselves with his plan. why so serious is the jokers famous quote. I think part of taking your self to serious is that we just have all these expectations for God to move in a certain way, but then it ends up disappointing us. In Israel I remember god showed me that the Jews had these crazy expectations for what the messiah was to be like and because of that they killed him. We think that Gods provision is not enough. I was weeping yesterday because I came to realized that Im constantly( through my striving with bad intentions) telling God, your Son is not enough and it must hurt man. But yah God is good and his plans are good. At improv, we have created this culture where failure is,in a sense,encouraged because it is often times evidence that we are giving it everything we have. Sometimes when you love you fail hard and get rejected. But God accepts us. So let us laugh body(bride) of Christ. Living by grace does not mean never failing it means accepting the fact that God hardens us all so that he can show mercy to us all.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 22:09:56 +0000

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