ternopilinfo Television - TopicsExpress

   ternopilinfo Television interview at ternopilinfo with three fighters with the Volunteer Ukrainian Corps, Pravyi Sektor “At its worst, seventeen men from Pravyi Sektor were the only ones defending the airport. Guest #1: My nom de guerre is Stepanovych, and my name is Serhii. I would like to say a few words in general about what is happening in the East, and the conduct of the ATO. In my opinion, if not for the volunteer battalions, and the volunteer corps, the situation in the East would be extremely dire. So first I thank those who are fighting there for their country and for their families. Guest #2: “We were tasked with putting all our efforts into defending objectives at Pisky, near the airport. Wherever supporting fire is needed, and thats 95% of the time, we provide that covering fire. The soldiers of the army help us with military supplies. There is a saying that soldiers do not fight when there is a ceasefire, it is only the partisans who fight. The fighting elements of our corps have trained on mortars and learned to drive tanks, sent for that training to the 95th brigade, once we realized that there was a need for such drivers. Our combat objectives were predominantly at the front lines around Pisky, as well as incidents of combat at the airport itself, where we fought during some very active battles. Those were also times when we endured the most casualties. I remember times when the situation with the army was very stressful, they were very demoralized, and they overwhelmingly spoke of retreating. At its worst, seventeen men from Pravyi Sektor were the only ones defending the airport. The soldiers spoke of abandoning the airport, and at that time we refused, and in fact held our positions through that night and until the morning. And in the morning we also managed to re-gain the new terminal that they had earlier stopped defending. That gives you an idea of what is the fundamental mission of the Volunteer Ukrainian Corps, to take control of the front, whether it be found at the airport or in Pisky itself; thats where youll find our fighters. Interviewer: I should tell our viewers that out guests are for all intents and purposes returning to the front right after concluding this interview. So my question now will be, “Is there hope for victory?” Guest #3: Yes, naturally there is hope for victory, and I would like to say that our government needs to work harder to reach that goal. We also need to have our status legalized. People are simply bewildered that we dont even get paid because of our non-status. We our defending our country because it is almost like a Ukrainian tradition to do so. People are amazed, they dont understand us, in fact often our families dont understand us. Some of our men have been given the advice from their families that it would be better for them to get a job than to go fight. Thats what normal people do, they tell us. And here weve left our homes to go fighting, not getting paid, exposed every day to dangers like mines and hrads. But the hope for victory is there, so long as our government would work harder to achieve it. I think victory depends more on our government than on what Putin does. Interviewer: Any final words and thoughts? Guest #1. First, thank you to the volunteers from the ATO central committee, and Taras Herman in particular. And other volunteers. Also, thank you to the patriots who part of the volunteer battalions. They have experienced a lot. For example, for the longest time their loved ones did not even know where they were, that they were fighting on the front lines. Translated from Ukrainian by Jeffrey D. Stephaniuk
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 21:18:48 +0000

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