https://youtube/watch?v=-ls5mug1_KU We were on holiday, 4 years - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=-ls5mug1_KU We were on holiday, 4 years ago. we had to choose that specific weekend because i didnt have a week of vacation from Kitchen Cooked, Inc untill id been there at least a year, which would have landed us on june 21st of 2010. i was a commission-paid salesman of potato chips. if you could imagine: your paycheck is dependent only upon sales. we chose after the fourth of july, as, of course, one of the 3 summer holidays that you LIVE FOR in the party supply commission sales life. we got the first week off that we could...after my one year of being with the company and, subsequently, the first week others had not reserved off. it was a saturday, i think i had to go take care of work that morning, as i had to work saturdays. walmart-peru, hyvee-peru, walmart-ottawa, and Handy Foods in ottawa. (BTW- THE HANDY FOODS IGA IN OTTAWA IS THE ONLY WHO CARED THAT I WAS GETTING MARRIED THAT DAY. HAIL SMALL BUSINESS!!!!) we got married near my childhood home. about 2 blocks away. Tammy wasnt particularly concerned with the location, seemed she wasnt concerned about anything except that we made that day our day. (i bamboozled her on the christmas immediately preceding this summer by taking back an expensive pair of sunglasses that i had already bought and given her, i told her that i didnt wanna look like a shmuck for not getting her anything for christmas at Geoff and Kristens that year. i told her i was going to wrap them up upstairs at Susans house, but really i planted her engagement ring in the package. it was the best laid plans, she never knew. everyone else knew, and had their cameras on her to record the moment, and she was like wtf, why is everyone looking at me?????? before she found out =-D ) and that day was our day. before we turned up at the hall where we held our reception, i had drank enough beers to be buzzed (go figure) and tammy was crazy thirsty for water. WELL- there was no AC in the hall, and everyone had drank the water wed previously bought for the reception. i remember her beautiful dress (thank you Toni :-D we havent forgotten and will repay you) showing signs of distress and being crazy thirsty and without even being asked Sean literally ran to the nearest gas station and got Tammy (and the rest of the crowd) as many waters as he could hold to make sure the event went off without a hitch. i remember Roberts donation of the PA for the event, and Ryan Bertsches (RIP- i love you man) influence on me to play the Artifact album from STS9 while everyone was eating. i know it goes without saying, but thank you everyone for all your support over these last 4 years of our lives together. Tomorrow marks 4 years since we found out that we were going to have a baby. (IT TAKES MORE THAN TWO WEEKS FOR A TEST TO TURN UP POSITIVE, SO QUIT THINKING THOSE UNPURE THOUGHTS)....(plus i was way drunk that night. lol.) me and Danny were running around chugging pitchers of beer cuz David bought 2 kegs for us AND PEOPLE WERE RUNNING TO THE BAR NEXT DOOR TO BUY BEER. DESPITE DANNY AND MY EFFORTS TO DRINK THE $200+ OF BEER WE BOUGHT WE STILL GAVE MORE THAN HALF OF IT TO THE BAR NEXT DOOR SO IT DIDNT GO TO WASTE. THANKS FOR TRYING WITH ME, DAN.) Anyways- it was just an amazing cap on top of an already awesome weekend (thank you Tina for supplying us with a black fountain inside of our wedding cake :) ) just so i dont forget- i love you Lynn :) which all brings me to finding out that we were going to have a baby. wed previously lost a baby to a miscarriage. though im not particularly a religious man, i-to this day- believe that my grandma francis in heaven is with our first baby, which i believe would have been a girl. i cant imagine the happiness and memories wed all have if shed have been able to experience having a great grand-daughter. can you see her smiles and hugs and love? i can. :-) after we found out that we were going to have a baby, we started brainstorming on names. the two names that prevailed were Byron (something) and Zoe Jane. These two names stuck out to me as they werent crazy popular, but i liked them. Byron comes from one of my favorite bands, Parkway Drive who hails from Byron Bay, Austrailia...and Zoe Jane which we all now know, a song by Aaron Lewis of Staind to his daughter Zoe Jane. this song was so powerful in my mind that i told tammy that i couldnt imagine having a daughter that was named anything else. She agreed. Later, we found out we were having a girl. Id requested this particular day off of work that we were scheduled to find out. if memory serves, it was a wednesday. the monday before this particular wednesday tammy was having issues and called me saying she thinks she needs to go to the doctor to make sure everything was ok. she called me first, to see if she should. i said Of course! go make sure everything is ok! she was hesitant, she said but when they check, theyre going to find out what were having. i know you wanted to be there, i dont know if i should go. i obviously told her that id rather not go and find out from her what we were going to have versus her not going and something being wrong. she called me as i was pulling into oglesby. she didnt waste a second, she told me were having a girl hunny- were having a ZoeJane. i was quiet. shes like Hello? i said Im here. just taking it in! by this time i was pulling up to my warehouse where i had to load my chips into my work truck, i told her in more words than this that im glad everything is ok! ill be home in about an hour! at which point we hung up the phones, and i wept. i cried for 20 minutes. those words, Were having a Zoe Jane! in her happy tone (she wanted a girl more than anything) will never leave my mind. were having a Zoe Jane it rings through my head to this day. What a great memory. I play this song for Zoe. shes but 40 months old. i just asked her do you know what this song is??? she says Its ME! that will always bring a tear to my eye.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 02:10:33 +0000

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