https://youtube/watch?v=3aAgn9iyB78 Some of My People who are - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=3aAgn9iyB78 Some of My People who are called by My Name have forgotten Me Published on Sep 20, 2014 Speak, son of man. Write these words: Just like in times of old, my people who are called by my name have forgotten me. I have given you every blessing; health, wealth, peace, safety, scientific advancement, more than abundant food, a nation full of clean, safe drinking water, livestock and herds in abundance, healthy childbirth, long life; and finally, something very few nations on the earth have received.... free time, time to study, time to pursue me, time to get to know me and fellowship with me, time to begin to unravel the mysteries of heaven so you can marvel at my greatness, at my goodness. Instead of receiving my great gifts to you, America, as a nation, you have chosen to become bored, rude, like a spoiled child, an ungrateful brat. You spit in my face, misuse my gifts given to you by a loving Father, conspire and align yourself with my enemy, thinking somehow, you didnt need me anymore, that you have outgrown me, that you dont love me anymore, that I dont exist; I was a figment of your ancestors imagination, a sort of a crutch that they would lean on me to get what they wanted, after they were done leaning on me, they could just discard me into the rubbish pile and move on without me. Yet, in spite of all this, I continued to love you, America and have reserved on to me a remnant, a small special group of people who have rejected all of the aforementioned bad behavior and sought me and continue to seek me with all their hearts and with all their might. Its because of this relatively small group of believers, my faithful bride, that you, America, are even standing today as a nation. It is for my precious Brides sake that there is even a nation called America standing today. The enemy, Satan, is furious and endlessly plots my Brides destruction, but cant touch her for she is mine. She is mine alone. He cant have her, nor touch her. She is sanctified onto me. One of these days, when mankind least expects it, I shall come for my Bride and rescue her and take her to a place of safety I have provided for her. She will be safe from the clutches of Satan, our enemy, and having the time of her life while I deal with Satan, his followers, the unbelievers and my beloved Israel after I rescue my beautiful Bride. Son of man, things are going to change dramatically, drastically, and it wont be good for those left behind who continue to despise me and refuse my gift of salvation. Those left behind will feel my wrath and will experience what it is like to be under the full reign of Satan and his minions. Satan is insane and not to be trusted. Once the Restrainer is removed, then He will be allowed for a short time to rule the nations as he sees fit without my interference except to say he wont be allowed to destroy all life on earth, nor touch the ones I have reserved onto myself. But those left behind will have tough choices and hard decisions. Many will lose their lives for my namesake. They will give up their lives willingly rather than serve Satan and his minions. They will come to know that to serve Satan means eternal judgment and hellfire and brimstone forever. They will have counted the cost and realize, it is better to lose your life in this world and to live with me forever than to submit to Satan now and receive short-term pleasures now, but to be bound with him and his minions eternally and suffer with them because of them. To be with me and my Son, Jesus, takes accepting my free gift to you, the sacrifice of my only Begotten Son and making him Lord in your life. There is no other way of salvation, even though the enemy, Satan, keeps insisting that there is. Who is mankind going to believe this day; Satan or the Most High God, the Great I Am? Mankinds eternity depends on it. I still have some things to accomplish before Jesus comes from for his Bride. Dont allow yourself to become weary in well doing. You shall reap great rewards if you faint not. Continue to pray, pray and pray and to repent, repent and repent. Pray that I continue to hold back evil. Pray for the lost, the backslidden, persecuted, the poor, widows and orphans, pray that my people are well-provided for and that they have food and shelter and medicines, if they still need them, but my perfect will is for them to all be healed in Jesus name. The birth pangs continue to increase in intensity, and the next age is soon to be born. The Day of the Lord is rapidly approaching. Continue to sound the alarm. Warn my people. Continue to offer salvation to anyone willingly to accept and receive it. Pray to me constantly. Ask me to take care of all of your needs. Dont fear the things that are about to occur, but trust in me in all things. I am always here with you closer than your very breath. Fear not to come onto me for I love you with a deep and burning love. I hold you tenderly in the palms of my hands. Pray that you are accounted worth to escape all these things that are about to happen on the earth and stand before the Son of Man. Look up, for redemption draws near. I love you, my dear children. I love you.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 23:16:21 +0000

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