https://youtube/watch?v=3xTVxH_Lluk The Sound Current - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=3xTVxH_Lluk The Sound Current It is in the context of this problem that Surat Shabd Yoga, or the yoga of the celestial Sound Current, assumes its unique importance. Those who have mastered this yoga teach that the Absolute, though free of attributes in Its primal state, projects itself into form and assumes two primary attributes: Light and Sound. It is no mere accident, they point out, that in the revelatory literature of all major religions there are frequent references to the Word which occupies a central position in their pattern. In the Gospels we have: In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. - ST. JOHN In ancient Indian scriptures we read repeatedly of Aum, the sacred Word pervading the three realms of bhur, bhuva and swah (i.e., the physical, astral and causal). Again, Nanak says: The earth and sky are of naught but Shabd (Word). From Shabd alone the light was born, From Shabd alone creation came, Shabd is the essential core in all. Shabd is the directive agent of God, the cause of all creation. PRABHATI
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 11:19:03 +0000

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