https://youtube/watch?v=4CKj5YLpAGU I commanded the earth to open - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=4CKj5YLpAGU I commanded the earth to open and swallow Korah and his followers 1-15-2015: It has come to my attention that there are those in the body of Christ that because they are getting tired of waiting for the catching away of the bride of Yehoshua (Jesus) they have begun to gossip and back-bite and join in the ranks of the doubters, scoffers and naysayers. Instead of being patient and looking up and waiting as they are being instructed to do, they are talking amongst themselves and sowing discord among the brethren like Korah did in the wilderness. Korah and his sons and followers taught and fomented rebellion against Moses in the wilderness. I consider such activity to be a capital crime against me with serious consequences. After separating Korah and his followers from Moses and the children of Israel, I commanded the earth to open up and swallow Korah and his followers because of the rebellion of my man, my spokesman, my prophet, Moses. Sound the alarm. Warn my children. This type of behavior and activity will not be tolerated. Repent, repent. Those who continue to cause major rifts in the body of Christ risk being severely punished for their treachery. Repent, repent, repent. Rebellion against me is as the sin of witchcraft. Warn my children. Do not engage in such activity, nor lend an ear, nor support anyone who actively rebels against me, against Yeoshua, against my written word, against my prophets and messengers and against my children. Pray for deliverance, and I shall deliver you, says the Lord. Be not found being numbered with them who despise me. There are consequences. You have been warned. Tell my faithful children and my beloved Bride that things are moving quickly and forward according to my plan. Soon you shall see even more confirmations of this with your very own eyes. From your point of view, the journey has been exceedingly long and difficult. I understand. I created you, remember? But dont lose your faith, hope or trust in me. All things are necessary, as you will see, as things continue to move forward. Stay strong in your faith in me. Fellowship with me and my Father daily. Focus on the things in the written Word and things above in heaven where we dwell and not on things of the earth. My Father has committed the children into my hand. I shall love you, protect you, fellowship with you, provide for your every need, if you will let me. Turn away from those who claim to be mine that cause division, doubt, worry and strife. These are not fruit of the Holy Spirit, nor are they of me. Stay focused as the Holy scriptures instruct and cultivate fruit of the Holy Spirit, and share this fruit with others for the days are coming and, in some parts of the world, are already here when my people and the unsaved could really use the blessing of this fruit of the spirit supplies. As you sow, so shall you reap. As you give, you shall receive. Continue in me, my little ones, and remember, Greater is He that is in you than he who is in the world. I have enabled those who are mine to be more than conquerors in every situation. Pray that you would be found worthy to escape all these things that are coming upon the earth and to stand before the Son of Man. Continue to be faithful in the fight against Satan and his minions, and you shall receive a great reward in heaven. Remember, a Father chastens those he loves, and I do love you children with a burning passion and love that passes earthly understanding. When my Heavenly Father gives the command and releases me and my angels, then I will come and rescue my Bride, my faithful, who prove themselves to be found worthy. Amen.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 23:21:39 +0000

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