https://youtube/watch?v=5LSBpwmMnVM The problem is cause and - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=5LSBpwmMnVM The problem is cause and effect. Everyone keeps bringing up his death as if a choke hold naturally, or statistically leads to a fatality. That isnt normally the case. If you get choked out (I know this one for a fact) then you pass out. To kill, you have to keep choking the guy when he is passed out. That is how you kill with a choke hold. He was not choking him to the point where he didnt have enough oxygen to breathe. And Im willing to bet the cop doesnt have psychic powers, so he cant expect his action to cause a heart attack. If he did that same action to 100 random obese men in that age range, I doubt anyone else is going to suffer a heart attack. And Jason, cops have every right to arrest you for a non violent crime. When a cop pulls you over for speeding, he can arrest you and take you to jail without writing a ticket for a court date. A cop can arrest you for jaywalking. The reason why they dont typically detain and arrest people for minor infractions is mostly financial burdens on the tax payer and a williness to avoid more shift paperwork. I dont agree with people that say the cops were over reacting to him selling cigarettes. Why should it matter if you think the crime is petty? If you commit a crime, no matter how small, it is in the authorized power of the police to arrest you. I feel bad that this man is dead. If the cop knew this random fluke would of happened, he probably wouldnt of done it, but that was not intentional or predictable results. Of course he didnt deserve to die. But the cop wasnt trying to kill the guy. The cop should not be blamed for something he didnt intend, nor had any reasonable way to predict would happen. And I dont think we should reinforce this heinous notion that you have a right to resist a cops constitutional and legal obligation to detain or arrest you, because you dont think the law you broke is important enough for you to be bothered by in the first place. The only time a cop is violating your rights, is if he detains you without resonable suspicion or probable cause that you were involved in a crime. Everyone keeps saying this isnt a big deal, this is a petty crime...... People keep chanting I cant breathe, durring the protests... But they never pay attention to the entire video where he keeps saying, No every time you see me, you want to arrest me, Im tired of this... (So hes been arrested before) He goes on to say I was minding my business but you guy always harrassing me (So he has a history with being arrested?) And then one cop reaches out to try to start to handuffing him and at that point he waives his arms around (notice hes twice the size of both cops)and said again, No dont touch me, Im tired of this, and then the cop behind him tried to grap him, and again he sais, no dont touch me, and then the a cop puts him the choke hold. That choke hold wasnt even a hard take down. And Ive see this over and over again where the cops are saying dont resist, but the guy if fighting. Sorry, but the guy was breaking the law. I dont care if he was selling cigarettes or pirated Blue Rays... petty crime is still a crime. And Im not going to blame the cops for doing their job. Maybe we should be teaching people (black, white, yellow, green) dont break the law, dont debate if it applies to you, and you dont get to tell cops to go jump in a lake. In that video those cops have a history with that guy...... stop putting people on false pedestals. 1 min · Edited · Like
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 01:47:16 +0000

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