https://youtube/watch?v=66VY_1_QcoA I understand why its hard to - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=66VY_1_QcoA I understand why its hard to suspend holding onto reality, logic and reason without inserting emotion, at least for me. all around us the world is falling under the spell of the tale, the story, the lie, the ILLUSION (whatever illusion you choose to believe.). The left prospers by holding onto the narrative. they push their lies in films. They push their lies in the media. Everywhere you look, we are being saturated in the insanity of the upside worldview of goats, that is those on the left... And so I cant watch fantasy without holding onto reality, and it makes it hard to deal sometimes. i cant forget that pretty much everything that we see is filled with propaganda designed to brainwash the sheeple masses. so i look for the wires that allow the man to run up the wall (you have to watch the video to know what i mean). I listen for what is REALLY being said when i watched the show Once Upon a Time and see the evil people portrayed as evolving to be better and that really most of them arent all that bad after all, and besides most became evii because of being horribly wronged by the good. Meanwile the goodcharacters are just as selfish and mean and stupid and honestly hard to distinguish the good from the evil other than because we are told they are good. I have a hard time suspending reality because i know the goats are claiming its fantasy, when in truth its propaganda. I think that deep down i worry that if i let that go, even for a moment, its giving into the programming. its doing what they want. They NEVER stop their propaganda. They NEVER suspend the narrative. They NEVER allow truth, reason, logic, etc, to invade the ideology they hold dear and the agenda they strive to push upon the world. Because if they did, they would have to acknowledge the truth. That what they are striving for will end as it always have, in selfishness, greed, theft, violence, and death to billions, because in order to have the socialist utopia they imagine, they will have to rid the word of all who disagree with them, and then those who agree, but not enough with them, then just those who stand in the way of them getting whatever it is they want. And so I think that is why so many on the right do not allow the emotion of the narrative to invade reason and reality. Not because if it did wed see the light, but because if we did, no one would be holding to reality. They are right though, that we need to realize that we can both recognize the truth, and allow the emotion of the story to be put forth by ourselves, not just the left. We have to allow ourselves to be able to suspend reality without worrying we will lose our grip on reality, so that we arent totally miserable living in this delusional world which is only going to get more delusional, not less. I read a story once that went something like this: There was once a kingdom that suffered from a plague that caused madness as a result of a fungus on their wheat crops (im thinking ergot contamination). the King went to his best advisor and said What should we do? Almost the whole of the kingdom is infected with madness. I have in my stores enough crops to sustain you and I until the new crops come up. We can barricade ourselves on the grounds until then and hope the new crop heals them. the advisor said Thats not a good idea, because eventually the whole kingdom will be mad, and when they are they will come against you, thinking you mad and not themselves. the king dispaired, but the advisor went on. Rather than avoid the madness, instead I will mark an X in my own hand on your forehead, and you mark an X on my forehead in your own hand and then we too will eat. And everytime we see the X in our own hand, we will remember that we are mad, and thus made it til next harvest. Though Ill never take THE MARK, I will try, for the sake of my own sanity and for the cause, allow myself to suspend reality, while remembering its all madness.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 22:26:28 +0000

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