https://youtube/watch?v=6ePhz5LFM0k Ha Ha Ha - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=6ePhz5LFM0k Ha Ha Ha ........................... Hee Hee Hee ..................... All my DEAREST JAPANESE IDOLS + MY DEAR OLD SONY COMPANY ENGINEERS ( for all Facebook Readers reading my Blog , 42 years old Auntie Kim has already know Japanese Anime since very small as small as 2 or 3 years old back in 1974 while still living in the RURAL VILLAGE ZINC HOUSE of Upper Bukit Timah Nature Reserve with watching those Black & White TV throught the Singapore Broadcasting Corporation of Channel 8 with Chinese Translation with all the Japanese Anime . Besides ! Auntie Kim really DONT KNOW that Uncle Chao Hsu Lee really Did Worked 19 years for SONY CORPORATION at all until 2 years ago with the help of Google + Linked - In and an old East Coast Beach Photo uploaded by old Primary School Classmate - Karen Tan ) , Ha Ha Ha .......................... Hee Hee Hee ....................... O.K. ! Because of the relapse of BURNT - OUT of working 2 jobs @ age 29 years old 13 years ago in 2001 when Uncle Steve Jobs still havent launched APPLE I - POD , before 29 years old , Auntie Kim still buying so many tons of Japanese Anime CDs with Sembawang Music Centre with Bukit Panjang Shopping Mall while I used Faith Faith s Dad bought PIONEER DVD Player EV51 to BLAST Music all the way down from my 10th Storey to the basement of this old Petir Road H.D.B. Flat of 26 years old . The SOUND EFFECTS of this Made - In - China Asus Laptop built - in EQUALIZER totally SUCKS !!!!!!!!!! I know cause once I compared it against that EUROPEAN 50 inches Huge Hi - Fi which Dad bought in year 1981 when I was 9 years old + against that OLD SONY Huge 42 inches Hi - Fi with built - in Equalizer bought in year 1990 twenty four years again . Which means HOR !!!!!!!!!!! If the Sound Chips of whichsever Made - In - China whichsever laptops / handphones / TVs are SO TERRIBLY SO DAMN LOUSY STANDARDS HOR , why the HELL should I open my Wallet to fork out a DIME to support whichsever Electronic Product produced by this 2014 Generation of Engineers ah ??????????????? Which means HOR ! Whichsever European / Japan / U.S. MANUFACTURING COMPANIES who are setting whichsever FACTORIES in CHEAP MANUAL LABOUR PROVIDING COUNTRIES like China / India / Indonesia / Malaysia / Phillippines & maybe in future Africa , can all such MANUFACTURING WARHEADS COUNTRIES , please , please , please ! SEND ALL YOUR SUPERVISORS there , there in these countries TO ENSURE all these products CHURNED OUT ARE NOT “ 流 水 货 ” ( MEANING ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS which did not pass any AUTHENTIC TESTING PROCEDURES in the factory but unscrupulous in charge people still SELLING AWAY SUCH DEFECTED PRODUCTS to whichsever CHEAP - SKATE STALL SELLERS all over the world where STUPID + MORONIC PEOPLE still stupidly go and buy such products !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Therefore ! I still dont UNDERSTAND the RECENT Vietnam Tourist who was being CONNED at Sim Lim Square Towers of that APPLE I - PHONE scam scandal . Timothy s Dad was telling me that this Tourist already hand over S$950 to this I - Phone Shop Seller ( probably a Malaysian kwa ( kwa is a China Chinese Hokkien Dialect ! Ha Ha Ha .................. Hee Hee Hee ............ ( Despising Laughter ..................... Which means the Local Chinese Management Strata Management of Sim Lim Square CANT EVEN CONTROL ALL SUCH MALAYSIAN SHOP SELLERS at Sim Lim Square ??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha Ha Ha ................... Despising Scornful Laughter Upon Idiot Local Weak Singapore Chinese Management Strata again ........................ Ha Ha Ha ....................... ) with the staff , going to take out that Warranty Deal to be signed which is even MORE EXPENSIVE than this Apple I - Phone itself !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another Point voiced out by Timothy s Dad was Apple I - Phone s price is MORE EXPENSIVE in Vietnam , so this Vietnam Tourist was thinking he was in fact going to save a huge buck by buying in Singapore Retail Store , instead he was FLEECED by SUCH BUSINESS TACTICS of this SO-CALLED SINGAPORE SIM LIM SQUARE - MOBILE AIR SHOP OPERATOR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Singapore has SO MANY WELL - KNOWN ELECTRONICS RETAIL STORES like Best Denki , Harvey Norman , Courts , ( Funan Shopping Mall also BLACK - LISTED recently ) where Warranty Cards are FREE - OF - CHARGE ! Sigh ..................................... Uncle Steve Jobs ah ! Your Creation hor ! Is in fact hor , creating a lot of NUISANCE SCAM DEALS all over this World leh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beware of all such China Chinese Sales Girls operating in Singapore Retail Stores cause they will quickly BRAIN - WASHED you into giving them your Bank Credit Card or ATM Card where they will swipe it without you noticing the real bill until your Bank sends you the monthly bill . Oh ! Few days ago , an old 74 years old Grandma also BEING CONNED of signing a S$15,000 Hair Package with Beijing 101 Hair Salon . That s why loh ! All these young Malaysian / China Shop Girls just OUT TO SCAM all Singaporean Rich Tai Tai s Money ! I suggest ah ! All daughters / sons / husbands or whichsever Rich People ah , please dont give so many so-called BANK CREDIT CARDS to your family members lah ! Singaporeans are NOT SO INTERESTED with such IDIOTIC + STUPIDITY SCAMS all over this so-called RICH EX - BRITISH COLONY ! Yeah ! So-Called Rich Society with STUPIDITY BRAINERS ALL OVER this small Island ! RICH WHOAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah ! Rich but STUPID !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( hA hA hA ................ HEEE Hee Hee .................... ( Veageance Devious Laughter .................. Ha Ha Ha ................ Hee Hee Hee ............. Ah ! 42 years old Auntie Kim becoming MORE & MORE like a Japanese Anime Character as I grow old ..................... it is NOT ALL THOSE SO-CALLED WESTERN WITCHES of Western Myths & Legends ............. そ れ で わ ! わ た し わ たべます どの きっさ てn ????
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 01:42:15 +0000

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