https://youtube/watch?v=7uAqXkJTuc4& Announcement - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=7uAqXkJTuc4& Announcement to Demand the Release of all 23 Political Prisoners Being Held in Haitian Prison by the Martelly/Lamothe Regime (English text) (Intro protest chant) Shame on you Obama, stop supporting drug dealers! Announcement, announcement! The organizations, Citizens Committee to Protect Haitians and Baz Ditmas Brooklyn demand the immediate liberation of the 2 main opposition leaders: Rony Thimotee, Biron Odige and the other 21 political prisoners. The arrest of Thimotee occurred after U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry declared that the Martelly/Lamothe regime is doing a “good job” in preparing national elections. These are the same elections that have been postponed by the government for 4 consecutive years while organizing 6 carnivals. Aren’t members of this government the same vultures and plunderers with charges and accusations hanging over their heads such as: Corruption, protection of drug kingpins; protection of kidnapers, caused the death of a Federal Judge who ruled against President Martelly’s wife Sofia; theft of money slated for a variety of social programs, associating with criminals; human rights violation and high treason. Yes! It’s the same mafia government. What happened to the billions of dollars of Haitian money collected by Bill Clinton after the earthquake of 2010? We demand the Obama administration, Bill and Hillary Clinton to stop interfering in the internal politics of Haiti now! We demand the immediate departure of all foreign soldiers including U.N. occupation troops on Haitian soil, air and sea. We demand the liberation of all 23 political prisoners dying in Haitian prisons! We reserve the right to file lawsuits in Federal Court in the United States as well as World Court against officials in this regime and their foreign supporters whoever and wherever they may be. We swear that the only way for them to install their dictatorship is over our dead bodies! About Citizens Committee to Protect Haitians (CICOPHA) CICOPHA is a social-political organization registered and recognized in the State of New York. Our mission is to defend the interest of Haitian and Haitian-descent people throughout the world. For information or to become a member contact: committeecitizens@gmail (End protest message) We’re going to tell Hillary Clinton to come get his garbage (President Martelly & Prime Minister Lamothe)! Hillary Clinton! Guinsly Etienne / Spokesperson
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 00:23:45 +0000

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