https://youtube/watch?v=CnhhrUSXXek& ❦The - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=CnhhrUSXXek& ❦The aliveness of a desk or chair can be thought of the same as the aliveness and awareness of the crystals we carry and wear. ❥I had a thought about the aliveness of various objects and forms, what about people that are OCD, I had a couple of these compulsions when I was younger until I did work to realize this was not mine to carry. Maybe it is because we can feel the aliveness and energy of things so we want the objects to be in perfect position or be felt and touched because our brain waves are picking up on the electricity (light, information) coming from them. I know there is always an explanation for everything that we throw in the corner and give a label. If we could just learn to work with the objects, and actually know what we are doing this could help the rituals to not be so intense and interfere with daily life, also another thought is since we dont really know what *normal* is, one of my favorite quotes What is normal to the spider is chaos to the fly. Maybe this just shows the work that the people with OCD could be doing to enhance the love frequency of objects on this planet instead of making them feel like they are doing some thing wrong and pushes them to chores and duties that are not truly useful to them. Some key points * ❥Exchange sugar cubes and honey for healing with our fairy friends ❥Seek to understand, feel, and heal, different fields of consciousness and life forms might need our help, be willing if needed ❥Heal your Earth Star Chakra ((This makes our work with our Earth Star Chakra so important. As we clear and balance our Earth Star Chakra we assist in clearing and balancing the energies of fear from the planet and we become part of the process of healing humanity. As we vibrate collectively into higher and higher dimensions of being, it will become more and more common to work with these chakras as a means of grounding your physical and etheric body down into mother earth herself. The more we reach out to the divine realms of reality around us, it becomes more and more necessary to ground deeper into the earth to continue to be able to participate fully in the present reality. A clear and balanced Earth Star Chakra can assist you in being clear and grounded in your daily habits and can bring you into deeper union with the healing power of Mother Earth.)) ❥Check this link for more info on the above chakrahealingmovement/theearthstarchakra/ ❥Dolphins and Mermaids wish to help us and teach us to heal our Planet Earth (Mother Gaia//Terra) ((Water, educate yourself on Lumeria and Atlantis)) ❥Submarines are causing issues for whales/dolphins ❥Remember to think of other life forms not just humans for we are interconnected to all and the more we can work together to better our bond and peace for beauty, harmony, and balance can be achieved ❥Send treasure chests and dolphin telepathically to heal children (I have also heard of Dolphin Children, sort of like the labels we give to the Indigos, Crystals, and Rainbows) ❥Whales come from the stars, intrinsically known from the Sirius Star System Random Adds ❥Polarities and triangles have been significant to me lately, the upside down triangle in particular which can represent the feminine energies ❥Merkabahs ❥Birds wanting to get our attention of the air (chemtrails, air pollution) ❥I have received gifts of mermaids lately, been invited to conversation and thought forms about them, dressed as a mermaid by accident ❥After seeing dolphins in the Elizabeth River I said Im going to see mermaids next ❥Remember our connection to Earth, it is our body ❥Sirius has been coming up a lot lately, from friends, my own writings, blue people, felines, whales, humans coming through this star system, synchronicities ❥Blue has been prevalent, blue ray, blue ray twins, Arcturus (brightest star in the Bootes Constellation), council of 9 The title of this book is We ARE Not Alone, A Complete Guide to Inter dimensional Cooperation - Atala Dorothy Toy Thank you all have a great week! xoxo, kels P.S. CAN YOU TELL MY EARS LOOK LIKE ELF EARS, IVE ALWAYS WANTED THEM TO LOOK LIKE THAT..THEYRE ALL POINTY MUAH
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 07:22:44 +0000

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