https://youtube/watch?v=Gg3WVE8lI9c The truth about islam - - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=Gg3WVE8lI9c The truth about islam - agenda of evil .... DEARLY BELOVED INFIDELS ,.......ISLAM IS A RELIGION OF PEACE ! THERE IS A FUNDAMENTAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ISLAM AND EXTREMISM .....ISLAM IS A PEACEFUL RELIGION OBSERVED BY OVER A BILLION PEOPLE IN OUR WORLD ! THE TEACHINGS OF ISLAM ARE GOOD AND PEACEFUL ! THE FACE OF TERROR IS NOT THE TRUE FAITH OF ISLAM...THATS NOT WHAT ISLAM IS ALL ABOUT ...ISLAM IS PEACE ! I HAVE GREAT RESPECT FOR THE ISLAMIC RELIGION ! ISLAM MEANS PEACE AND THE ACTIONS OF THESE PEOPLE ARE WHOLLY CONTRARY TO THE TEACHINGS OF ISLAM ! THIS VIOLENCE AGAINST THE INNOCENTS VIOLATE THE FUNDAMENTAL TENETS OF THE ISLAMIC FAITH ! IT IS IMPORTANT FOR WESTERN COUNTRIES TO STOP IMPEDING MUSLIM FROM PRACTISING THEIR RELIGION AS THEY SEE FIT ! ISLAM IS A PEACEFUL AND TOLERANT RELIGION....ITS TEACHINGS ARE GOOD AND PEACEFUL, ISLAM MEANS PEACE ! DEMOCRACY AND ISLAM CAN FLUORISH ALONGSIDE ONE ANOTHER ! I ALSO KNOW OF CIVILIZATIONS DEBT TO ISLAM....ISLAM HAS DONE MUCH TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE BUILDING OF AMERICA ( phhhhhttt ) MUSLIMS MAKE INVARIABLY VALUABLE CONTRIBUTIONS TO OUR COUNTRY ! DEARLY BELOVED ......if you have read thus far and have not puked all over your dog then I congratulate you , for you are in the know and unlike the cowardly and deceitful political elites who would have us believe In the fantasy of the Arabian Nights - ألف ليلة وليلة , ~ ISLAM IS PEACE boel sjit and I are rooted in reality. 3 days ago the prime Minister of Australia said ....we do not know the motive of this Imam ( gasp !) ....he may be politically motivated ( double gasp ). President Hussein ibn Obama said ~ ISIS is not Islamic....further no religion condones the killing of innocent people and the commitment of such atrocities . Really?...but you and I know that there is ONE RELIGION that does command killing of the innocent and for the slaughter of unbelievers ! hmmm could it be Judaism, Christian quakers, Hinduism, or those damn violent Buddhists who are always slaughtering the carrots and beheading the turnips :) (https://youtube/watch?v=XnkPmeF3fSY - former muslim schools Obama on ISIS and ISLAM lol ) So, according to the political elites and the politically correct pundits , ISIS is not islam ....really ? . ISIS to date has slaughtered a few thousand people,mainly in Iraq and Syria...on the other hand ISLAM...plain old common place peaceful ISLAM ,...... you know -- the one that your peaceful muslim neighbor is practicing and the one that #IWILLRIDEWITHYOU ....yes, that ISLAM has to date MURDERED OVER 300 MILLION HUMAN BEINGS. islam slaughtered 90 million Christians, 120 million Africans, 80 million hindus, 20 million Buddhists 10 million Sikhs and countless million more of their own co religionists and others ( jews were so decimated that the number killed by islam is not significant )....WHICH DO YOU THINK IS MORE LETHAL ? THE ISLAM OF YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBOURHOOD MOSQUE , OR ISIS ? ....I rest my case QED ( quod erat demonstrantum ) please watch these videos from the Islamic circus of horror and other tales from the muslim crypt ... CONFUCIUS SAY : A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS = 萬 言 一 畫 ....may allah scare the bejesus out of you ! https://youtube/watch?v=6gIzf2VnUvM Michael Coren on the danger of islam https://youtube/watch?v=qZ-QX8LuKHA One hour compilation of how islam is ruining Europe and America.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 15:43:10 +0000

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