https://youtube/watch?v=Ie8IuUwuFeE LUCIFER IS A GREAT - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=Ie8IuUwuFeE LUCIFER IS A GREAT MUSICIAN: drums and flutes, were at your service (Ezekiel 28.13) The street is dark or darkness is the way ?. Childlike follows closely Gog, with Satan. Underworld or angels? But the demons are angels. How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, the nations! So. From the Book of the Prophet Isaiah (Is 14, 12). Lucifer means light bearer Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name attributed to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the son of the morning! It is he who bears the Light [...], there is no doubt (Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, 1871, 321). Soon there would come a generation that would never know a world without Lucifer. Arthur Clarke wrote these words in 2010 two Odyssey (1982), the result of the other novel of 1968, 2001 Space Odyssey. Those who only saw the film 2010: Odyssey Two did not notice a significant difference between the film and the novel. Strangely, the book contains a chapter entitled Lucifer Rising (The rise of Lucifer). In this chapter, the hydrogen atmosphere of the planet Jupiter caught fire. The small new sun rising is called Lucifer and illuminates the Earth with its light. The subsequent result is that the darkness is no more. Fear, suspicion and crimes in the night all disappear. Mankind has been illuminated by the light of Lucifer. To occultists, the symbolism of Clarke is unequivocal: Lucifer, the bearer of light conveys his knowledge (the truth occult) to all mankind, sweeping away the fear and ignorance (such as religion Christian), and giving mankind the opportunity to discover their own intellect. But if Clarke tried to perpetuate the occult perspective of Lucifer, the authorities based on the theme remains the Bible. As mentioned in the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel, Lucifer was a cherub created by God, offers wonderful musical skills. He was also a very intelligent creature, and had a great memory and an unbridled pride. The sacred text tells us, as noted, that led an angelic rebellion against God, in an attempt to become like the Most High (Isaiah 14). In response, God condemned Lucifer, together with those angels who had chosen to follow him in disobedience and removed them from their positions glorious paradise. Being a spiritual creature, Lucifer became Satan, the devil, the kings death and the prince of this world. The Bible warns us about the obsession of Lucifer: distort the Word of God, leading to envy souls to spiritual death, and bring down their wrath on those who inhabit the Earth, for whom Christ died. While Christianity sees Lucifer as the personification of evil, the esoteric teachings (as well as the New Age movement) embrace it as an agent of intellectual freedom and spiritual. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society, mother of the New Age movement and modern occultism says that Lucifer was the highest and oldest of Yahweh, and had to be sacrificed to the new dogma of the Church (The secret doctrine, 1888 ). Satan, under different divine names, it would be really an allegory of Well, the Sacrifice, a God of Wisdom. Blavatsky believed that Satan was the only god of the Earth, one with the Logos, and the cosmic reflection of God. Blavatsky even Lucifer associated with Jesus Christ and this concept is partially derived from the various mystical interpretations of the Word of God. In the Book of Revelation (Rev 22:16), Jesus is called the bright morning star and Lucifer in Isaiah is called son of the morning. From a mystical point of view and astrological, the morning star is Venus, in the teachings of the various occult schools, symbolizes Lucifer. And in the solar cults, the morning star is frequently identified with the Sun, or son in the morning, and son of god. According to this esoteric theology of Blavatsky, Lucifer is divine and terrestrial light, at the same time the Holy Spirit and Satan . In his work cited above (The Secret Doctrine) is even more precise: It has now been proven that Satan, or the Red Dragon Infuocato, the God of Phosphorus and Lucifer, or Light Bearer is in us: it is our mind, our tempter and Redeemer, our intelligent liberator and savior dallanimalismo more pure. A God but human, so that does not escape the experience of initiation and that is to experience that, for Alice A. Bailey, leading to the current one that, once entered, the man pushes forward until the foot of portarl God of the World, and that it has the same cosmic dimension thus performing a real duty of knowledge: the seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands, but before advancing or rise, he must prove his skill in the use of energy (MP Hall, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry). The prospect of Childlike seems that the life of a human being is different from that of other living things and seems to acquire meaning simply through its spending, waiting to see if we become like God or we will reduce to radioactive dust: Even if there is a heaven on a when we die, endless bliss would be as meaningless as the liethat always comes as answer to the question. Why do we see through the eyes of creation? (Although there awaited a paradise when moriremola eternal bliss would be equally foolish of menzognache always comes as a response to the question. Because we see through the eyes of creation? ). The reference seems to Spinoza, with a relief that hardly seems risky or inappropriate, considering, in fact, that was the same Borges to invoke the comparison reviewing Star Maker Stapleton, clear antecedent of the novel by Clarke: the fact that we see through the eyes of creation is not to say that there is a creator, since before the answer implicit (because there is a creator) has been defined a lie. In fact, in the end we will be free from the bonds of creation (And at last we are free of the bonds of creation): after the collapse of the universe the spiritual part of humanity will survive in some new form. In fact, while a human mind taken individually may look like a grain of sand, the accumulation of intelligences that pierces the generations not only last for a time perhaps infinite, but will use the same term to strengthen himself: We are the rocks Which root the future - it grows on us! (We are the rocks on which the future will plant its roots - grows thanks to us!). Our lives as limited are the foundation of the future and are so necessary to the existence of the cosmos. The eternity of the universal mind that is the universe, however, is much more than the sum of the durations of individual minds: to quote Spinoza, eternity can not be explained by duration or time, even if the duration was conceived without beginning and without end. Moreover, the final (In the death of mere Humans Life Shall start! In the death of the simple Human Life begins!) Or if you want in the death of what is merely human, as we have been pinned, punctuated by musically dominant in E major, introduces a vision of a destiny and almost certainly Spinoza pantheistic that await humanity, where there will be room for individual immortality in an indefinite time, but only for a suppression of every infinite temporality. And when, coinciding with the verses Frightened in the silence, frightened, but thinking very hard, / let us make computations of the stars (Frightened in the silence, frightened, but thinking very intensely, do calculations on the trajectory of the stars) the music stops and the voice remains solitary in a short a cappella singing, seems unmistakable allusion to the dismay of the ego in the face of immense spaces of the universe and the inability to explore alone, dismay remedied by the journey to immortality, passing from death experience rebirth.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 13:47:56 +0000

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