https://youtube/watch?v=PtuaZZbo3uU A Very Short Documentary - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=PtuaZZbo3uU A Very Short Documentary Showing How Religion Is Still Used As A Means To Lure,Trick, And Ultimately Conquer Peaceful People This is short documentary of the Mikea. The Mikea people are a Black nation that have lived in peace off the coast of Africa for millions of years. They are in sync with the earth, the land, the trees, the animals, and the forest. A highly intelligent and resourceful nation that neither bother nor bring harm to anyone or anything. The Mikea have had an understanding of the creator (God) for thousands if not millions of years...Long before christianity would come into existence. Within this short 26 min documentary you will have a better understanding of how white people used and still use religion and a smile as the first steps of subjugating groups that they plan on conquering. You will see first hand how they systematically send in their missionaries, the christian religion, and portraits of a new god Christ under the auspices of saving and bringing an already intelligent and peaceful nation of people into what they consider salvation. From this documentary you will see that the same whites that send the missionaries are also the same whites that send in the bulldozers to deforest the land and take the resources. The goal or use of the missionaries and the church is to get the people being conquered to submit to their conquerers without putting up a fight. Once he gets you to submit to his religion then 80% of his battle of conquering you is over. Psychologically youve already lost because youve abandoned your own and now adopted his way which includes the white face of the supreme God Christ which he gives to you. Now, unconsciously whether you like it or not, you view every white face as being like that of the God that was given to you by your oppressor who came to you under the auspices of being your friend. Also, if you watch closely youll see that the Black men of the Mikea are very protective over their women. They notice that the white interviewers have an obsession with trying to talk to their women and immediately instruct them to leave their women alone. Historically the white man wants be like John Smith from the story of Pocahontas. Like John Smith, if he can win favor with your woman, then the woman that he wins favor with will be used as a tool for dismantling the people and the nation of people of which she belongs. Historically you believed that you were heathens swinging from trees because thats what white people taught you about yourself to justify his own evils. But if you watch this documentary you will see that you were and still are a highly intelligent group of people that once lived in peace. Your intelligence just lies dormant and somewhere along the way of integrating into his capitalistic way of life you lost your peace. Take a break from the garbage normally viewed on Facebook and enlighten and analyze this documentary for yourself. Make a correlation with how the white man is trying his best to misguide and conquer these Black people and how similar it must have been with the trickery that he used on our people in not only west Africa but all of Africa. This documentary exposes what is taking place right now and you will see every detail unfold. I guarantee that you wont be disappointed. Enjoy! Corey Toure
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 19:23:10 +0000

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