https://youtube/watch?v=SJfWSkkThiQ Time of sorrows rapidly - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=SJfWSkkThiQ Time of sorrows rapidly approaching Today starts a new year and time for my people to reconsider their firmly held views on me, my only begotten Son Yehoshua and my written word. Many of my people have and are missing the mark that I intended you to reach, not only for salvation but in relationship with me and understanding me and my truths I have set before you. Too much fighting, squabbling amongst yourselves, ever seeking but not coming to the truth, my truth in all things. I have raised up people in the body of Yehoshua to be my messengers, my spokesmen, and you dont heed their words from me. My enemy, Satan, places his counterfeit messengers all around, and them, you believe. Them, you follow. I have told you plainly what to look for in a genuine messenger from me. They are like good trees that bear good fruit. They have the fruits of the spirit, Galatians 5, abounding in their lives. They are meek; they are humble. They put me first in everything they say, think and do to the best of their abilities. They are easy to intrigue. They are not contentious. They dont speak evil of others in things they dont understand. They is questions with meek necessary and humility have me, and I answer them. They are not filled with pride, nor greed. They keep their minds and focus on the things above, not below. They dont lay up treasures upon this earth, but rather in heaven where moth and rust do not corrupt and theifs dont break through and steal, corrupt or destroy. I know all my creation by name. I know your names, your strengths, your weaknesses. Your heart, when you say truly love me and want to serve me, or if it is an act or game or a diversion. Please understand, you cannot trick or deceive me. I know you are who are mine and who are not. I am bringing this age to a close. There will be a transition period, some know as the great tribulation followed by the Millineal reign of Yehoshua. This is my plan I have held in my heart for Millinea. No one or nothing can change what I propose to do, and I am foreseeing with it even now as you receive this message. The birth pangs are about over. The time of sorrow rapidly approaches. Many of my messengers and prophets have inquired of me, and I have told them that it approaches quickly. Some of you have a heavy heart for you realize what is about to take place. For those left behind, sorrow, trouble and suffering, but through all of this, I can still be found, if you seek me out. I can and will, through my remnant believers produce signs, wonders and miracles, anything needed to complete my harvest. For those who are caught away to be with Yehoshua and me, glory, honor, peace, joy and happiness that passes your understanding. Remember, my beloved, all things of me operate in faith. If you dont have faith in me, you wont see me. To enter into the rest I have prepared for you since before the foundation of the world, you must have faith in me and confess my only Begotten Son, Jesus or Yehoshua, as your Lord and Savior. Believe in your hearts that God raised him from the dead, and you shall be saved. It is a simple requirement, but mandatory that you do it if you ever want to be with me and my Son and enter into heaven. Remember, no man knows the day or the hour I AM sending the Bridegroom for his Bride, but keep looking up for your redemption draws near, and you are in the final time of the end times. Dont stray from what you have been taught correctly. Dont engage in endless debates. That time is over. I and my Son Yehoshua will straighten out any misunderstandings and misconceptions you may have. Now, you need to focus on a relationship with us and bringing in the harvest. Many are still lost and struggling to find their way back to me. Soon this period of time will end and the time of sorrow begins. Study my scriptures. Sit at my feet in humility and worship, and things will continue to unfold and be revealed to you. I love you, my children. I love you. If you want to know an approximate place and time you are, then look to the stars, my written word, the spoken word, the way of the word and revealed word, and you will see, and I will give you an understanding.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 18:18:18 +0000

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