https://youtube/watch?v=VEXWjlgJ83E DEARLY BELOVED FELLOW INFIDEL - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=VEXWjlgJ83E DEARLY BELOVED FELLOW INFIDEL , RECENTLY ONE OF THE DENIZENS OF FACEBOOK IN AUSTRALIA- -WE WILL CALL HER S.A.-- POSTED THE FOLLOWING TO HER FACEBOOK FRIENDS: HOW DARE YOU ADD ME TO THIS RACIST GROUP without asking permission. I have no issues with Muslims, Jews, Hindu Buddhist or ANY religion. People are what is important not the colour of their skin or their religious views Christians have extremists too Too ALL my friends. Do you have JIZZY IRVINE on your friends list? He has gone and added a lot of us including me to his racist group without asking permission, calling it: ISLAM IS AN EVIL GROUP Please check your friends and groups and if you have been added report this RASIST DEARLY BELOVED.....THERE ARE QUITE A LOT OF S.A.s out there in them there hills in Australia ( uuuh and in the urban jungles of the west ..and the east !). Infidels who are ignorant, clue-less, couldnt care less, apathetic ! ...they are the best allies that islamists can have ....for you see, islam thrives on ignorance and apathy...why do you think islam is having a field day recruiting blacks ( and Hispanics) in the US of A ? ( islam specializes in converting the disenchanted and people who have an axe to grind with the society at large -such as criminals ). The black and Hispanic churches are not doing enough to warn their constituents about the true nature and design of Islam ! (https://youtube/watch?v=Rfx4glTU5JQ , https://youtube/watch?v=R1hUauc2A8o , https://youtube/watch?v=tcv7j7hIwDc , https://youtube/watch?v=m6VdBY1cIs8 , https://youtube/watch?v=zbbKi1_RBjY , https://youtube/watch?v=GEpQAnEAJGo ----- amazingly islamists are able to fool and lure many ignorant and gullible infidels into islam without telling them the horrific details of what Islamic shariah entails nor do many of these gullible fools who enter islam have the faintest idea what this Islam is all about or about the bloody history of islam or are aware that to date Islam has killed over 300 million human beings and still killing ...see : thereligionofpeace ) S.A. belong unfortunately to quite a large group of STUPID INFIDELS , WHO ARE TOO BUSY WORRYING ABOUT THEIR OWN SHIT TO CARE A DAMN THAT ISLAMISTS ARE DOING THEIR BEST TO ISLAMIZE THEIR COUNTRY.... WHEN A DANISH CARTONIST DREW A CARTOON OF MOHAMMAD THE WHOLE ISLAMIC WORLD WENT BEZERK and started burning looting and killing infidels including murdering a nun. When ISIS and other islamic terrorist groups murder or behead jews, christians , hindus or other infidels the S.A.s of the world of infidels sit ideally by not doing a damn fact they go all out to have ecumenical meetings wtih muslims, and pander to them and not a peep squeak of protest is even heard in the millions of churches world wide. ......................................................................................................................................AND ADDITIONALLY WE HAVE PEOPLE LIKE S.A. IN AUSTRALIA WHO MADE A MILLION TWEETS WITH HASTAG #IWILLRIDEWITHYOU after a muslim jihadist shot dead 2 australians and wounded scores more in a cafe in americ after numerous jihadist attacks including of course 3000 americans roasted alive and jumping from 100 story buildings from the tower on sept 11...americans let muslims build 2300 mosques in their country and even after the boston marathon terrorism they still hit the snooze button....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................WHO DO YOU THINK WILL EVENTUALLY WIN THE CIVILIZATIONAL dumb ass lazy apathetic couldnt-care-less,clueless, ignorant INFIDELS LIKE S.As of the world........OR THE SAVAGE well organized world wide global muslim brotherhood jihadist, who at the drop of a hat will agitate ,scream and murder to defend islam and to spread islam all over the free world ? dont have to be a rocket scientist to know that the apathetic party is heading for doom eventually given that we also allow the savages to immigrate and make population jihad in our midst ....................................................................................................................................S.A!--. your children can kiss their asses goodbye , if you have a daughter you might just as well start dressing her in a burka just for rehearsal LOL......https://youtube/watch?v=VEXWjlgJ83E https://youtube/watch?v=ZmGRshS0PAw& --- muslim leaders world wide declare their intentions of global domination of islam ! gluefox/english/orel/muna_en.htm --- comparison of Christianity, islam,Nazism and communism
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 00:01:11 +0000

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