https://youtube/watch?v=Xcg7c6Ue5R8 Thought you might enjoy a - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=Xcg7c6Ue5R8 Thought you might enjoy a teaser from Stilling the ThundeR , the sequel to Standing in the Eye of the Storm now with a four star rating. Available on all fine online sites including Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Walking in the door to his hotel suite, Carter felt the weight of the day on him. Dropping his keys on the table he removed his jacket and loosened his tie. Plopping down on the couch, he kicked off his shoes hitting the floor with a thud. Leaning back his attempt of relaxing was futile, it had been a difficult day. He had questions he wasn’t sure he wanted answers to. Running his hand through his hair he sighed trying to get a grip on what he had seen. The resemblance was uncanny. Ryan had invited him into his home, and he had met Gail, but nothing had prepared him for what he encountered nor was he expecting what Ryan had told him about his daughter. He met the little girl as she bounded in the living room with a drawing she had made of who she said was her parents. The stick people sported yellow hair for her father and brown rings for her mother. Ryan’s daughter had jet black hair like his sister Beth and his own, her eyes were aquamarine blue and her laugh was contagious. She had taken to him immediately showing him her creation. When he had asked her who the people were in the picture she quickly reported, “That’s my daddy and that’s my mommy.” She pointed to each one then handed him the picture. “You can have it, I draw all the time.” She had also drawn a picture of two other men one with red shaggy hair and the other one with black hair, both with large smiles. She announced they too were her daddy. She knew them from a picture her father had. He had taken the pictures and folded them placing them into his pocket assuring her that he would find a special place for them. She had told him in her innocence after Ryan had left the room that her name was Jenna and had asked him his. He had wanted to tell her but he had replied with his given name Eli. She was about to tell him her mother’s name when Ryan returned. Jenna looked so much like Molly that they could have been twins. She was a beautiful little girl with the spirit of her mother. There was no doubt that this was not only Bella’s daughter but his. It presented a problem not only for him but Isabella and this little girl, Ryan was the only parent she knew. How did Bentley end up with her and why was Isabella led to believe that she had died? Taking the cell from his pocket he dialed Landon. Any way he went about this it was going to hurt someone. The cell rang for the fourth time and Landon answered in an exhausted rush. “Yeah, Mason.” “Landon, we have problems, major ones.” “Bentley under protection?” “I assigned him three different officers.” “Three?” “One for him, one for his girlfriend, and one for his daughter.” “He has a daughter?” Carter rubbed his forehead and sighed. “It seems Mr. Bentley has a six year old daughter.” “What’s wrong with that?” “Landon, put it together. Six years ago would have put him in high school, it also put Bella in high school.” “I’m sorry, I’m not following.” “If you seen this little girl there would be no question, and her name happens to be Jenna.” “Oh,” Landon let out a hiss like he had been burnt. “Isabella’s Jenna?” “Well that’s what I’m guessing.” “I can do a little digging, see what I can find out. Of course adoption records are sometimes hard to crack. If it were a closed adoption I may not be able to get into it.” “I’m not sure what you’re going to find so you need to know this,” Carter took a deep breath, “Jenna could be mine.” Landon never said a word leaving Carter wondering if her were still there. “Landon, are you still there?” Landon’s voice reflected shock as he answered slowly, “Yes I’m here.” He paused a moment taking it in. “What makes you think that Jenna is yours?” “It’s a long story. I’ll explain it later, I really don’t want to go into it now. It was a long time ago and I’m not proud of it. Just see what you can find out on Ryan, Jenna and her adoption, and paternity if you can. A cry came from him as a child.” Don’t do that again you little brat, you want us all to be locked up?” Carter stood on trembling legs as tears streamed down his dirty face. Pointing ahead of him he had instructed him to go to his room. As soon as he had reached it he had sat down on the floor on his knees resting back on his heels. His hands lay on his knees shaking and his head bowed as he cried. He knew what was coming from his foster father’s behavior. This was his sacrifice to protect his sister. Hearing his belt clear the loops of his pants from behind him, Carter cringed. He knew nothing of what this man did to him other than it hurt. Once he entered the room he closed and locked the door behind him. The pop of the latch sent terror through him. He never got over the fear even though he known what his foster father was going to do. Taking him by the arm he growled in a low menacing voice, “Get up.” He knew the routine well. Standing he took his shirt off and placed his hands on the wall in front of him, bracing himself for the inevitable. The sting of the belt burned across his back. Arnell would hit him so hard at times that it would cause his skin to bleed. The torment had caused him to act older than his years. “Since you don’t want this for your sister,” he spoke gruffly against his ear, “Then you will take it for her.” He squeezed Carter’s shoulder causing him to wince, but he held in the pain. Carter could hear the dull sound of a zipper being pulled, wishing his parents were still alive. The bed creaked as Arnell had sit down. “Undress boy, don’t hesitate.” Carter started and began to turn around, Arnell yelled at him. Carter had felt cold, guilty and scared standing there. Carter felt the searing pain of his abuser. He was just a little boy and had no idea of what Arnell was doing. All he knew was that he didn’t want to ever hear his sister cry out in pain again. He had seen what he had done to her once as he had forced him to watch. The acts that Arnell forced upon him left guilt and shame on him not knowing what do with the feeling he had. He often had thrown up afterward at the thought of what this man was capable of doing. Carter awoke from his tormented sleep breathing heavily. His hands shook as he ran them through his damp hair. Night terrors and nightmares of that time, he had overcome years before. Looking at the clock it was four in the morning. Sitting up he found his way to the edge and leaned his arms on his knees with his head in his hands. Trying to take control he rose from his bed and turned on his laptop. The light illuminated the room in a blue haze as he rubbed his eyes. Running his camera he saw that Isabella was sleeping soundly with Molly snuggled into her arm. At least she was peaceful. Leaving his laptop on with a view of their bedroom he walked on into the bath turning on the shower. Shaking his hand off from testing the water and undressed. His clothes were wet from the nightmare he had. He was drenched from a cold sweat they always seemed to leave behind. Stepping in, the water washed over him. Standing in the shower he supported himself by placing his hand on the tile of the over sized enclosure, and ran his hand through his wet hair. He hadn’t had a nightmare of these proportions since his early twenties. As a matter a fact one of the last ones he remembered was during his hospital stay. Closing his eyes he could still see Arnell making his demands. His helplessness came from not being able to be there for his family. After all the time that he had treated for nightmares and night terrors he knew what brought them on. Seeing Isabella go through them had broken his heart because he knew what they did to you. Night terrors she wouldn’t remember they just left you drained but the nightmares were something else. They were vivid and just as real as the day they happened. amazon/Teresa-L-Arrowood/e/B00DT9Z4C8/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1413241706&sr=1-1
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 03:24:49 +0000

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