https://youtube/watch?v=YTuElM6T50w Well its another - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=YTuElM6T50w Well its another Monday..another start to a week for you. For me. So how has it gone so far? Are you kicking the ass of the villains in your mind? Doubt...Fear...Criticism...Anger. Or are you lying on the ground...your soul bleeding out into the soil of lost dreams? Lost hope. A vision never achieved. Believe me..I understand. I myself have felt struggled recently with these emotions..this battle. I know it may come as a surprise...but the J-Boom energy/passion/inspiration doesnt constantly flow with no effort. There are times I must rise up within to get things done. And believe me, sometimes I barely win that battle to rise up and keep going. To keep striving, to keep thriving. Because somedays...shit just hurts. It burns inside. The tears come. The past attempts to conquer the present with its bullshit. Trying to convince me that my past is all that I am. That my friends is a bold faced lie. My truth..Your in this moment right now. You make the choice to be the Hero of Your Own Movie. You are William Wallace in Braveheart defeating armies that seem indestructible. You are Chris Gardner in The Pursuit of Happyness...passing the tests and getting the dream job. You are Rocky Balboa climbing the mountain in Russia and screaming to the heavens! Giving every single breath and every ounce of your being to defeat Drago and shock the world. You..are...A HERO. Let the world marvel at your story. You can write the script of your success. Just grab a damn pen. And write. Gratitude is the Attitude that gives our dreams Altitude. P.S. If you are feeling the emotions and heart of this post..make sure and share it with others you care about and spread the message. Also make sure and keep yourself inspired by following me on Instagram at instagram/jasonjboomlegaard/
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 01:36:24 +0000

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