https://youtube/watch?v=a_r_v9cYBPY there are disadvantages of - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=a_r_v9cYBPY there are disadvantages of welfare and ssi and social security these are the dis advantages you most likely wont have credit so you cant get a nice car credit is an issue if living on this kind of money if you work you lose 5 dollars for every two you make if you live on it so yes people do work under the table some times to get ahead if you have worked 10 to 14 years into the system they cant retire or get standard retirement benefits you have to have 20 years into the tax system to retire welfare and ssi and social security was made as a safety net for people it was not made top house and fund non american citizens if they not american citizens they should feel guilty if receiving money but people are also on it that have allot of diplomas but cant get a job there trained to do so they spend thousands on training programs and still cant get a job america is not the land of opportunity it used to be them days are gone education means not much of any thing even if you have it so true american citizen that live on ssi and social and welfare are not wrong if they cant get a job there trained its just Penneys on taxpayers per years but for non american no citizens its just swindling america s resources away this is the truth Americas cant feed every one in the world when tax payers have to pay for non american citizens they get upset its hard enough f to pay for non working ones that mite have valid reason they dont work or disability or perhaps were falsely labeled because of gov verses federal verses tort if ye are labeled then Obama care dont help because your medical records are listed and your check matted with out a crime before you even start like if they say something about you that may not be true if its on record people seam to always bl-eave what they read if ye are christian you most likely get labeled weather it be a record of false data about you in your medical records but when some won looks at them reads them and no job that forces ye to not be able TO GET A JOB LETS SAY YOUR WIFE IS BYPOLOR AND CANT RAISE YOUR KIDS PROPERLY YE Have to intervene to make things work then ye have to be a site home dad house sitter the state aint gonna baby sit your kids or wife when your at work so the safety net is there people are quick to judge and even says why did you marry a bypolor woman are you crazy not if you did-dent know and were in love behind ever successful man is a charming successful woman looks and education and personality make a difference its not how smart ye are always its also personality i got straight a grades in human relations and consumer skills and have allot of education oh look some women at the bunny ranch have great educations but chose prostitution because they could not get a job they were trained to do or get the job paying the money they deserved so they did something else instead people make strange choices good or evil but all is vanity in the end it all leads to one place in the end evil or good its not possible to tell every one how to run there lives its not possible to always get a job your trained to do the truth life is not always FAIR so no matter how hard one tries it dont always work to be rich .
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 02:30:09 +0000

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