https://youtube/watch?v=h67JpMyrOVE - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=h67JpMyrOVE Drive-By-Wall-Of-Text: Aki Greus3 sekuntia sitten +Lisa Short Here is the problem: Lisa Short1 +ShadowAimai so if they meet a peaceful race they will still wipe them out. and if they are a problem why not destroy there government/military. then there wont be a problem. There is no Imperium as such. Let me elaborate. You have a world, somewhere in the Segmentum Pacificus, say its having the same problem as Earth 1. Or, what we call Terra until proven otherwise, its possible were not on the real Terra but all civilizations think that they are the true Terra until over-run by a Better Terra(tm), were still on top, when were not someone else will be. So, Assume there is a planet out there with same levels of over-run as our planet and say its called, Typhon Secondaris, for this purpose. This Planet is randomly happened upon by 2 chapter fleets at same time, that is, a lot of guys like a Crusade going somewhere else in the galaxy that may take them centuries to move to, like the crew of Voyager from Star Trek but on Steroids, and this fleet just bumps into this Typhon Secondaris, lets call the first fleet Chapter Master Kzer-zas fleet, and the second Chapter Master Kor-Ahs fleet, and they debate over this infected planet what to do, one thinks they should risk it in a glorious shitbrawl, I mean, come on, its full of enemies and if there is Even one true faithful they should at least in theory try!!!11!1!!112, that is, in theory. The other one, lets say, Kor-Ah, thinks that they should just wipe out this planet and move on with their crusade to target less costly to take in terms of potential gain in believers. They decide its better that instead of settling this on the planet, that they just start fighting each other. And yes, this happens. They are human-human wars or episodes of Monty Python. At this point God-Emperor goes ...Shit all guys, thats just stupid... and they declare the need for a third chapter to decide what to do with this case in specific since the two closest chapters, or, stories, cant figure out what to do. This third chapter may or may not be an actual chapter, it could be just 1 Marine and Its pet dog walking around the planet because, hell, aint got better to do. Or it might be an underground facility with a quarter billion marines and 10.000 titans, that depends entirely more or less on what the God-Emperor decides the Chapter needs to solve the situation, usually one Marine can destroy about our version of Earths total planetary military on its own unless caught in the open without a plan. Now, this hypothetical 3rd Chapter would be given title to this world and told deal with it and then the 2 other chapters continue on their way, the new chapter would name itself after the area and consider itself legitimate new chapter of the Imperium and go from there. If the new chapter really sees no way to take the planet back they can call the God-Emperor in the form of an Inquisitorial fleet which is what you, I and the pony next door would call the equivalent of a nuclear cruise missile on a scam jet with variable yield launched from Earth 1. The fleet that delivers the charge is extremely rarely defeated by anyone and a single Inquisitor, that is, dude who has the phone to call the God-Emperor can generally speaking do anything he or she wants and no one can do dick-all. Imagine if the entire Earth Government was killed and the Generals distributed all the WMDs to stockpiles and gave all high ranking soldiers a phone with a nuclear missile launch on the other end and you have an idea what Inquisitors are. Now, once this new chapter is set on a planet(tm) and has it as its core, its extremely difficult to force the chapter to do anything it dosnt want to do in the area it controls. Chapters are allowed to declare each other anything they want and no other chapter is forced to follow due to the God-Emperor being silent. Best legal outline of what Chapters can do is found in the current Imperial Creed and Codex Astartes but let me be clear, these are guidelines. Last word of the Emperor is that Science is supreme and He is not God and both Imperial Creed and Codex Astartes go directly against this. Which is the major cause of the current galactic schism. What is God. That is why Chapters under Imperial Protection even in the most shallow and cursory way are considered legitimate expressions of the God-Emperors will and can do as they wish... More or less... So. If you have a planet like Typhon, full of all kinds of xenos, aliens and such, you are in no way obligated to destroy them if you are a Chapter-Master in charge. A planetary governor that is responsible to the Imperial Bureocracy may be required to destroy it by a command from the Imperial Hierarchy, but Chapter Masters are tactically in total command of the situation and are allowed to say it is a integral part of a tactical situation to call a 1.000 year truce with Eldar and Xenos in a specific area. Chapter-Masters are allowed to attempt to fight Inquisitors, even though it is extremely risky and rare it happens more often than not. So, in practice, if your planet belongs to a Chapter-Master and you are from a human point of view, alien, you have a fairly high probability of surviving without being eliminated. But it will be very hush-hush and youll be expected to play ball... This is entirely allowed, as is trade with Chaos and Eldar. This however has to be within the accepted norms and works of the chapter. So a Chapter that is founded to battle and purify demons at all cost will have a difficult time explaining to an Inquisitor why it works with demons. While, a chapter founded on purifying the dead and reclaiming items of value for the use of the God-Emperor will have little difficulty explaining a random encounter with Demons or Daemons. However, this varies according to Inquisitor and Interpretation. Currently Imperium is not at war with Eldar or Tau or most minor races, but not at peace either. Were it at war with any major power in the galaxy the power could not hold, save for perhaps the Tyranid as they are extra-galactic. The problem is that even were the Imperium to purify the whole galaxy it would not change the basic philosophical situation which is why Peace and Le Petit Mortis is preferred. Events after Kaurava and attempted mass sterilization of humans by Tau have soured relations significantly. The Tau believe that population must be kept to a number where the Pheromonal Controllers can know everyone sufficiently well. This is sheer madness. The inside area of one Dyson Sphere would be sufficient to contain most of the current Human Galactic Population, so the sterilization is politically motivated and aimed against Humans. That will not stand. On planets that peacefully join the Tau the Tau begin a large scale sterilization program of humans according to most recent rumors so more study is required, the situation cant be described as war but if the Sterilization is confirmed as real and not reversed then Tau will be exterminated like Space Dwarves were and quietly forgotten somewhere. The Tau mind wants there to be One Worker, One Warrior, One Priest, One Human, and so on... Eldar-Human relations are chilled to the bone, the Eldar are hoping to all die together without dying, to resurrect their Dead God/God of Death who would fight this God of Pleasure and Corruption that now reigns over the perceived Eldar or Night culture. While this is exactly what the Emperor wants as it would end Chaos, it is debatable how this can be accomplished, as it would enable God-Emperor to walk without minding people outside, AKA; End the Psyker-War we have undergoing on Earth 1 and make both God and Created always visible. Personal feel is that the Emperor is attempting to perfect his form through his servants until a long enough durable form can be found and then thrown into the Eye of Chaos to forever pleasure Slaanesh while all Humans can then develop Psyker powers without fear of Angry Lilith from ripping their heads off. The time bought to humans is time spent in love, that is, satisfaction and contentment from hunger, desire, fear and change. This has been a message from Emperors Burials Chapter Librarian, Acceptance of Recognition of Chapter Status pending further negotiations with His Servants. Specialized in recovering battle field equipment from wounded or fallen Imperials or Xenos or Heretics and purifying during combat and using it to upgrade rank and file equipment in shows of faith and moral during battle conditions. Xenos Equivelant Chapter: Harlequin Imperial Guard Infantry Attachment. Tl;Dr: This video makes me Nerdgasm so hard. PS: I hope this text tickles the Nerdgasm sense. 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Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 09:01:32 +0000

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