https://youtube/watch?v=jCLi3_-iXHk If you need help in the - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=jCLi3_-iXHk If you need help in the hero category, this Relationships Matters Monday post is guaranteed to make you feel like a Superman/Superwoman again. The Hero Superman is known for saving the day. He is world renown for being the hero of all time. We all know those romantic/death defying scenes where Lois Lane hangs at the point of death only to have the man of steel swoop down at the last moment to rescue his most beloved. Comic heroes, like Clark Kent are often admired because they are valiant for truth and justice, despite the fact that they may be risking their very lives. In the end, our super heroes receive the praise because the people are spared, evil has been extinguished, and life returns to normal in Metropolis, and in every other comic land. So many individuals, like those superheroes, desire to be people, who do what is right; thereby, making a difference in their families, businesses, and communities. Despite the best intentions, however, the circumstances of life often get them distracted. Many individuals start out with have big dreams: having a strong family, successful business, and flourishing neighborhood, but when they see the looming obstacles ahead, they grow weary being in the arena. Their exhaustion sucks away their energy because things are taking too long. (Having anything good requires much work). It is not as they expected things to be. Besides, this is where they get ridiculed, interrogated, and rejected by men, so being popular and understood eventually becomes the higher priority. Consequently, being the hero becomes a dim possibility. If you have experienced these woes on your way to ‘herodom,’ be encouraged that if you refuse to give in or up despite all obstacles, you will win. Although, a bit marred and bloody fighting in the battle, recognize that the sacrifice is worth it. You will find that ‘Super People,’ are still needed in every aspect of life. Tips to Encourage the Heroes in your Life 1. Encourage them, the husband, wife, teenage/college-age child, friend, student, and colleague by emailing or writing them a letter. See below sample letter to offer a bit of encouragement. 2. Tell the heroes that you believe in them. It might sound simple, but humans require daily inspiration. Drop inspirational quotes in their briefcase/pocketbook/backpack, send an inspiring text, or call on the phone. 3. When they trust you enough to explain the obstacles they are experiencing, listen. Once they finish, ask them about what they need from you. When you ask the question, wait for them to respond. 4. Learn patience and have humor. Remember, every venture takes time, and is easier when you can make someone laugh. Dear (Hero), Thanks for having the courage to be a hero in your own life and in the lives of others. I am so proud of you. Keep being courageous. Please know, I see you working hard, and I believe in you. Whenever you get overwhelmed in pursuing this great adventure, read this. My hope is that it encourages you to not to give up, despite any obstacle in your way. Recognize that you too, right now, are in the arena. The words you use to describe your ability, along with this incredible vision and mission you have been given, are very important to the success or failure of this venture. Always stay positive/keep taking action on your dream, and you will eventually win. You are my hero, Sincerely, Your Name Being a superman like hero, is not just relegated for the comics, but is available in everyday living. Encourage those around you to keep on pursuing their heroic goals as awesome parents, business owners, employees, students, or people, and you may be pleasantly surprised that they are not the only ones who become a hero.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 22:49:55 +0000

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