https://youtube/watch?v=kzLyvgMwgUU Stefan Molyneaux does a - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=kzLyvgMwgUU Stefan Molyneaux does a pretty good round-up of the Sony Hack. He injects a little of his extreme libertarianism towards the end but the 30 minutes before that are pretty even handed. Short Version: No, it was most likely *not* the N. Koreans, the evidence pointing to them has been circumstantial or easily forged at best and theres far more evidence pointing at former Sony Employees. Meanwhile Sony has a great deal of motivation to falsely blame the Norks (as they tried to falsely blame Anonymous in the past) because the well-documented incompetence of their piteously underfunded data security department leaves them open to substantial liabilities in court unless they can portray themselves as victims of a foreign state. Full list of sources for anyone who wants to go over it all here: https://board.freedomainradio/topic/42867-youtube-the-truth-about-the-sony-hack/
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 20:39:53 +0000

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