human rights Article 1: All human beings are born free and with - TopicsExpress


human rights Article 1: All human beings are born free and with the same rights and dignity. To this end, we have reason and a conscience, and should always treat each other with respect. Article 2: The rights proclaimed in this declaration apply to the entire world, even if we may speak other languages, although we may have different skin colors, although we may have different religions, and regardless of whether we are rich or poor or from another country. Article 3: Everyone has the right to live. To live freely and safely. Article 4: Nobody may enslave. Slavery, such as it is, is prohibited. Article 5: Nobody may torture another or treat anyone in cruel, inhumane or humiliating ways. Article 6: All of our rights must be recognized everywhere. Article 7: The law is equal for all. It cannot be applied differently to different people. Article 8: If someone does not respect our rights, we may ask for the protection of the law. Article 9: No one has the right to arbitrarily stop us, imprison us, or remove us from the country in which we live. Article 10: If judgments are to be made, they are to be made publicly. And those who judge us must do so impartially. Article 11: If we are accused of a crime, we have the right to defend ourselves. No one has the right to condemn or punish us for things that we have not done. Article 12: No one may interfere, without proper cause, in our private lives, our families, homes or personal correspondence. Article 13: We have the right to both enter and leave our country when we desire. Article 14: If we are persecuted, we have the right to go to another country and ask for asylum. We lose this right if we do not respect the articles of this Declaration. Article 15: We have the right to be citizens of a country. If we want to be citizens of another country, no one may arbitrarily prevent us from doing so. Article 16: When we are of an age to marry, we have the right to do so regardless of race, country of origin or religion. Women and men have the same rights when they marry and separate. No one may force us to marry and, if they do so, the government of our country must protect our family. Article 17: All have the right to their own possessions, and no one has the right to take them away. Article 18: We have the right to our own beliefs, and to change those beliefs. We also have the right to freely choose the religion that we prefer, to change our religion and to practice as we see fit, alone or with other people. Article 19: All have the right to freedom of opinion and expression. We also have the right to exchange ideas with people of other countries without impedance. Article 20: We have the right to gather and associate with whomever we choose, peacefully. If we do not desire to, no one is required to be part of any given group. Article 21: We have the right to actively participate in the decisions of our country, directly or through elected representatives. In order to choose our leaders, we will hold regular elections free of outside influence, where all may vote freely. Article 22: Each of us has the right to the protection of the economic, social and cultural rights needed to live with dignity. Article 23: We have the right to work, to freely choose a job and to receive compensation that enables ourselves and our families to live with dignity. All people that have the same job have the right, without discrimination, to receive the same pay. If we work, we have the right to form unions to defend our interests as workers. Article 24: We all have the right to rest. As such, the workday should not be excessively long, and we must receive regular paid vacation. Article 25: We and our families have the right to a standard of living that allows for food, clothing, housing and care in times of illness. We also have the right to receive aid if we are unable to work, either because we are ill, elderly or are affected by other problems beyond our control. All boys and girls have these same rights, regardless of whether their parents are married. Article 26: We have the right to attend school; primary instruction must be compulsory and free. The school must promote coexistence and work to develop the intellectual capacity of each student. Parents have the right to choose the type of education received by their children. Article 27: We all have the right to participate in and benefit from all of the cultural and scientific progress of our society. Article 28: To properly protect the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, it is necessary to maintain a social and international organization with this goal in mind. Article 29: All have certain duties with respect to those around us. Our freedom and our rights are only limited by the respect for and acknowledgment of those rights by others. Article 30: No state, group or individual may use any principle outlined in this Declaration to suppress the rights and freedoms set forth within.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 00:37:50 +0000

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