i PROMISE! CROSS MY HEART [AND HOPE TO DIE +].THE FOUNDATION OF THIS SPIRITUAL MARRIAGE WAS ESTABLISHED ON THE CROSS. SAINT BERNARD DESCRIBES THE STATE OF SPIRITUAL MARRIAGE LIKE THIS: WHEN YOU SEE A SOUL LEAVING EVERYTHING (LK 5:11), AND CLINGING TO THE WORD WITH ALL HER WILL AND DESIRE, LIVING FOR THE WORD, RULING HER LIFE BY THE WORD, CONCEIVING BY THE WORD WHAT IT WILL BRING FORTH BY HIM, SO THAT SHE CAN SAY, FOR ME TO LIVE IS CHRIST, AND TO DIE IS GAIN (PH 1:21), YOU KNOW THAT THE SOUL IS THE SPOUSE AND THE BRIDE OF THE WORD...JOHN REMINDS US THAT WHILE THE FOUNDATION OF THIS MARRIAGE WAS ESTABLISHED ON THE CROSS, IT UNFOLDS IN OUR PERSONALITIES OVER THE COURSE OF A LIFETIME, AFTER A LONG JOURNEY. IN ONE SENSE, THE MARRIAGE IS EFFECTED ALL AT ONCE, AT THE CROSS, AND COMMUNICATED TO US IN BAPTISM; IN ANOTHER SENSE, IT UNFOLDS ONLY GRADUALLY, LITTLE BY LITTLE, AT A PACE THAT THE WOUNDED SOUL CAN ENDURE. AND ISNT MARY THE MODEL OF SUCH COMPLETE UNION? AND SO POPE BENEDICT XVI DESCRIBES HER: THE MAGNIFICAT - A PORTRAIT, SO TO SPEAK, OF HER SOUL - IS ENTIRELY WOVEN FROM THREADS OF HOLY SCRIPTURE, THREADS DRAWN FROM THE WORD OF GOD. HERE WE SEE HOW COMPLETELY AT HOME MARY IS WITH THE WORD OF GOD, WITH EASE WHEN SHE MOVES IN AND OUT OF IT. SHE SPEAKS AND THINKS WITH THE WORD OF GOD; THE WORD OF GOD BECOMES HER WORD, AND HER WORD ISSUES FROM THE WORD OF GOD. HERE WE SEE HOW HER THOUGHTS ARE ATTUNED TO THE THOUGHTS OF GOD, HOW HER WILL IS ONE WITH THE WILL OF GOD. SINCE MARY IS COMPLETELY IMBUED WITH THE WORD OF GOD, SHE IS ABLE TO BECOME THE MOTHER OF THE WORD INCARNATE. AGAIN, JOHN REMINDS US THAT WHAT UNFOLDS IN OUR LIVES IS AN EMINENTLY PERSONAL UNION OF LOVE. When there is union of love, the image the Beloved is so sketched in the will, and drawn so intimately and vividly, that it is true to say that the Beloved lives in the lover and the lover in the Beloved. Love produces such likeness in the transformation of lovers that one can say each is the other and both are one. The reason is that in the union and transformation of love each gives possession of self to the other and each leaves and exchanges self for the other. Thus each one lives in the other and is the other, and both are one in the transformation of love. THIS IS THE MEANING OF SAINT PAULS AFFIRMATION: I LIVE, NOW NOT I, BUT CHRIST LIVES IN ME (GAL 2:20). BERNARD DESCRIBES THE INTIMATE UNION OF THE SPIRITUAL MARRIAGE IN A SIMILAR WAY. WHEN SHE LOVES PERFECTLY, THE SOUL IS WEDDED TO THE WORD...YOU APPROACH THE WORD WITH CONFIDENCE, CLING TO HIM WITH CONSTANCY, SPEAK TO HIM AS TO A FAMILIAR FRIEND, AND REFER TO HIM IN EVERY MATTER WITH AN INTELLECTUAL GRASP PROPORTIONATE TO THE BOLDNESS OF YOUR DESIRE. TRULY THIS IS A SPIRITUAL CONTRACT, A HOLY MARRIAGE. IT IS MORE THAN A CONTRACT, IT IS AN EMBRACE: AN EMBRACE WHERE IDENTITY OF WILL MAKES OF TWO ONE SPIRIT....THIS BOND IS STRONGER EVEN THAN NATURES FIRM BOND BETWEEN PARENTS AND CHILDREN....YOU SEE HOW STRONG THIS FEELING IS BETWEEN BRIDE AND BRIDEGROOM - IT IS STRONGER NOT ONLY THAN OTHER AFFECTIONS, BUT EVEN THAN ITSELF....ALTHOUGH THE CREATURE LOVES LESS, BEING A LESSER BEING, YET IF IT LOVES WITH ITS WHOLE HEART (MT 22:37) NOTHING IS LACKING, FOR IT HAS GIVEN ALL. SUCH LOVE, AS I HAVE SAID, IS MARRIAGE, FOR A SOUL CANNOT LOVE LIKE THIS AND NOT BE BELOVED; COMPLETE AND PERFECT MARRIAGE CONSISTS IN THE EXCHANGE OF LOVE. SOMETIMES HE SPEAKS OF THIS UNION AS SIMILAR TO BEING INVITED INTO THE PRIVATE QUARTERS OF THE KING AFTER A LONG DAY OF WORK, TO CHILL OUT OR DEBRIEF WITH A FEW COMPANIONS WHOM HE WELCOMES TO THE INTIMACY OF HIS PRIVATE SUITE. ... HIS PLACID GAZE SEES ABOUT HIM NONE BUT WELL-LOVED FRIENDS. AT ANOTHER TIME BERNARD USES THE STRONG IMAGERY OF EATING THE LORD AND BEING EATEN BY HIM TO CONVEY A MUTUALITY OF COMPLETE INDWELLING THAT, WHILE REDOLENT WITH EUCHARISTIC IMAGERY, EXTENDS TO AN ABIDING STATE OF RELATIONSHIP. I myself am his food. ... I am chewed as I am reproved by him; I am swallowed as I am taught; I am digested as I am changed; I am assimilated as I am transformed; I am made one as I am conformed. Do not wonder at this (JN 5:28), for he feeds upon us and is fed by us that we may be the more closely bound to him. Otherwise we are not perfectly united with him. For if I eat and am not eaten, the he is in me but I am not yet in him (JN 6:57). ... But he eats me that he may have me in himself, and he in turn is eaten by me that he may be in me, and the bond between us will be strong and the union complete, for I shall be in him and he will likewise be in me...feeding somehow upon God, and being fed by God. JOHN REMINDS US THAT EVEN IN THE SPIRITUAL MARRIAGE OUR JOURNEY IS NOT YET OVER: THE BEATIFIC VISION, THE TRANSFORMATION IN GLORY, YET AWAITS US WHEN THE VEIL OF DEATH IS PENETRATED AND WE ARE TRANSFORMED FULLY IN A FACE-TO-FACE ENCOUNTER WITH THE LORD. BERNARD ALSO KEEPS BEFORE US THE NOT YET PRESENT EVEN IN THE HIGHEST UNION POSSIBLE IN THIS LIFE. What do you think she will receive there, when now she is favored with an intimacy so great... AND JOHN CONCURS. Although transformation in this life can be what it was in Saint Paul, it still cannot be perfect and complete even though the soul reaches such transformation of love as is found in the spiritual marriage, the highest state attainable in this life. Everything can be called a sketch of love in comparison with that perfect image, the transformation in glory. BERNARD ALSO MAKES CLEAR THAT THE UNION AWAITING US IN THE BEATIFIC VISION IS BEYOND ANYTHING POSSIBLE IN THIS LIFE. And if both the ability and will to contemplate are prolonged eternally, what is lacking to total ha ppiness? Those who contemplate him without ceasing are short of nothing; those whose wills are fixed on him have nothing to desire. But this vision is not for the present life; it is received for the next, at least for those who can say: We know that when he appears we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is (1JN 3:2). Even now he appears to whom he pleases, but as he pleases, not as he is. Neither sage nor prophet can or could ever see him as he is, while still in a mortal body, but whoever is found worthy will be able to do so when the body becomes immortal. JOHN SPEAKS ABOUT OUR FALLEN NATURE AS AN OLD MAN, WITH ITS DISORDERED PASSIONS AS HAVING WITHERED OR FALLEN ASLEEP - A TERMINOLOGY THAT OTHER SAINTS ALSO USE. JOHN SEEMS TO GIVE THE IMPRESSION THAT ONCE IN THE SPIRITUAL MARRIAGE, THERE IS VIRTUALLY NO POSSIBILITY OF EVER TURNING AWAY SO AS TO LOSE ONES SALVATION. THIS IS ONE OF THE VERY FEW AREAS WHERE THERE IS DIVERGENCE OF VIEWS AMONG THE DOCTORS. THE PREPONDERANCE OF OPINION IS THAT EVEN AT THE HIGHEST STATES OF UNION POSSIBLE IN THIS LIFE, TURNING AWAY REMAINS A POSSIBILITY, AND CAREFUL VIGILANCE REMAINS NECESSARY. IT IS THIS PREPONDERANCE OF OPINION THAT WE WOULD BE WISE TO FOLLOW. BERNARD EXPRESSES THIS VIEW AS WELL. For who has so completely cut away from himself all superfluous things that he thinks he has nothing worth pruning? Take my word for it, what is pruned will sprout again, what is banished will return, what is quenched will blaze again, things lulled to sleep will reawaken. To prune once therefore is of little worth. One must prune often, even, if possible, always, for you will always find something to prune if you arent dishonest with yourself. No matter what progress you make in this life, you are wrong if you think vices are dead when they are only suppressed. Whether you like it or not, the Jebusite dwells within your borders (Judges 1:21). He can be subdued but not exterminated. TERESA OF AVILA, WHEN CONSIDERING HOW IT IS POSSIBLE THAT SOMEONE EVEN IN THE SPIRITUAL MARRIAGE COULD YET TURN AWAY; TELLS US SUCH TRAGEDIES OCCUR THROUGH SMALL, ALMOST IMPERCEPTIBLE INFIDELITIES THAT GRADUALLY LEAD TO BIGGER INFIDELITIES. EVEN THOUGH, IT MAY STILL BE POSSIBLE TO TURN AWAY FROM GOD UNTIL THE VERY END, THE NATURE OF THE SPIRITUAL MARRIAGE IS TRULY EXTRAORDINARY. IN THIS INTERIOR UNION GOD COMMUNICATES HIMSELF TO THE SOUL WITH SUCH GENUINE LOVE THAT NEITHER THE AFFECTION OF A MOTHER, WITH WHICH SHE SO TENDERLY CARESSES HER CHILD, NOR A BROTHERS LOVE, NOR ANY FRIENDSHIP IS INCOMPARABLE TO IT. THE TENDERNESS AND TRUTH OF LOVE BY WHICH THE IMMENSE FATHER FAVORS QND EXALTS THIS HUMBLE AND LOVING SOUL REACHES SUCH A DEGREE - O WONDERFUL THING, WORTHY OF ALL OUR AWE AND ADMIRATION! - THAT THE FATHER HIMSELF BECOMES SUBJECT TO HER FOR HER EXALTATION, AS THOUGH HE WERE HER SERVANT AND SHE HIS LORD. AND HE IS AS SOLICITOUS IN FAVORING HER AS HE WOULD BE IF HE WERE HER SLAVE AND SHE HIS GOD. SO PROFOUND IS THE HUMILITY AND SWEETNESS OF GOD. CATHERINE OF SIENA DESCRIBES THE INTIMATE UNION OF THE UNITIVE WAY AS THAT OF A CLOSE FRIENDSHIP OR A DEEPLY FILIAL RELATIONSHIP, OR EVEN ANOTHER ME. And if anyone should ask me what this soul is, I would say: She is another me, made so by union of love. What tongue could describe the marvel of this final unitive stage and the many different fruits the soul receives when its powers are so filled?...Not even the souls own will stands between us, because she has become one thing with me. BERNARD SPEAKS OF MUTUAL HOLDING OF EACH OTHER. I have hold of him, and will not let him go (Songs 3:4). But perhaps he wishes to be held, for he says, My delight is to be with the sons of men (Prob 8:31). ... What bond can be stronger than this, which is secured by the single strong will of the two who make it. ... She holds him by her strong faith and devoted affection. Yet she could not hold for long unless she herself was held. She is held by the power and mercy of God. THE MUTUALITY OF FRIENDSHIP OR SPOUSAL UNION IS CHARACTERISTIC OF THE SPIRITUAL MARRIAGE. JOHN DESCRIBES IT LIKE THIS: In this high state of spiritual marriage the Bridegroom reveal his wonderful secrets to the soul as to his faithful consort, with remarkable ease and frequency, for true and perfect love knows not how to keep anything hidden from the beloved. AMONG THESE COMMUNICATIONS ARE DEEP INSIGHTS INTO THE INCARNATION AND REDEMPTION AND MANY OTHER MYSTERIES AS WELL. ...AND SO WHEN YOU PERCEIVE THAT YOU ARE BEING HUMILIATED, LOOK ON IT AS THE SIGN OF A SURE GUARANTEE THAT GRACE IS ON THE WAY (PS 85:17). JUST AS THE HEART IS PUFFED WITH PRIDE BEFORE ITS DESTRUCTION, SO IT IS HUMILIATED BEFORE BEING HONORED (PROV 16:18)...THE LORD RESISTS THE PROUD AND GIVES GRACE TO THE HUMBLE (JAS 4:6). ...WE MUST BE READY, AS READY ON MT. CALVARY AS ON MOUNT TABOR, TO SAY, LORD, IT IS GOOD FOR ME TO BE WITH YOU, WHETHER YOU ARE ON THE CROSS OR IN YOUR GLORY. ...EMBRACE THE CROSS YOUR SPOUSE HAS CARRIED AND UNDERSTAND THAT THIS MAY BE YOUR TASK...ST. THERESE IS LIVING WHAT TERESA OF AVILA CONTINUALLY EMPHASIZES: THE CENTRALITY OF THE CROSS IN MAKING SPIRITUAL PROGRESS AND LOVE AS MARK OF HOLINESS, ALL THE WHILE DRAWING STRENGTH FROM GOD. All have sinned and are deprived of the glory of God. They are justified freely by his grace through the redemption in Christ Jesus, whom God set forth as an expiation,* through faith, by his blood, to prove his righteousness because of the forgiveness of sins previously committed, through the forbearance of God—to prove his righteousness in the present time, that he might be righteous and justify the one who has faith in Jesus. What occasion is there then for boasting?* It is ruled out. On what principle, that of works? No, rather on the principle of faith.* (ROMANS 3:23-27) MUCH IS SAID IN THESE FEW VERSES, AND THE THEMES TREATED HERE ARE DEVELOPED THROUGHOUT THE BIBLE. IN SHORT: AS A RESULT OF THE FALL, EVERY BODY IS CUT-OFF FROM GOD; THROUGH THE SACRIFICE OF CHRIST, EVERYBODY IS UNDESERVEDLY OFFERED A GIFT OF REDEMPTION BY GOD. IF WE TRULY UNDERSTAND OUR SITUATION AND HOW UNDESERVING WE ARE OF SALVATION, HOW MUCH IT IS A PURE GIFT OF GOD, WE HAVE NOTHING TO BOAST OF - EXCEPT THE CROSS OF CHRIST, AND OUR WEAKNESS AND NEED, TWO THINGS THE SCRIPTURE TELLS US THAT ARE APPROPRIATE TO BOAST OF! IT IS OUR DEEP RECOGNITION OF THIS TRUTH, LIVED IN OUR DAILY LIVES, THAT ALLOWS PRIDE TO BE BROKEN. WE HAVE TO RECEIVE, NOT ACHIEVE IN ORDER TO BE SAVED. THERES NOTHING WE CAN DO TO MERIT OR EARN OR DESERVE SALVATION. PROPERLY UNDERSTOOD, THIS IS PROFOUNDLY HUMBLING. ITS SUPPOSED TO BE. * For Christ did not send me to baptize but to preach the gospel, and not with the wisdom of human eloquence,* so that the cross of Christ might not be emptied of its meaning. Paradox of the Cross. The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written: “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the learning of the learned I will set aside.” Where is the wise one? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made the wisdom of the world foolish? * For since in the wisdom of God the world did not come to know God through wisdom, it was the will of God through the foolishness of the proclamation to save those who have faith. For Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we proclaim Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those who are called, Jews and Greeks alike, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength. Consider your own calling, brothers. Not many of you were wise by human standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. Rather, God chose the foolish of the world to shame the wise, and God chose the weak of the world to shame the strong, and God chose the lowly and despised of the world, those who count for nothing, to reduce to nothing those who are something, so that no human being might boast* before God. It is due to him that you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God, as well as righteousness, sanctification, and redemption, so that, as it is written, “Whoever boasts, should boast in the Lord.” THE FULFILLMENT OF DESIRE RALPH MARTIN youtu.be/7jEaIDqHl74
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 05:59:28 +0000

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