i am going to be the devils advocate here and share a free paper - TopicsExpress


i am going to be the devils advocate here and share a free paper from the cult i am a ex member of. i am not promoting the information in this only showing for you benfit that this cult understand that words can be used as tools of control and they do so very well by keeping there members under tight wraps. no member is allowed axcess to tv the internet radio or anything else that hasent been approved. they use redefinition that is they redefine there own terms and they make up there own terms as such they control the conversation. by controling the converstaion they seek to control both those inside the group and to ad to there numbers what they do a a small scale the mass media of the world dose on a very large scale they just know and work with in a biger frame work. your tv is used to control as much as possable your oppion the schools you go to are desined to get you to become conditioned to be come a good little worker drone for who ever is making money off you. bottom line words are tools of control and if i can define for you i can control you. that what religoin does that what feminst do thats what school does thats what so many forms of mass media do. control the words and you can control the conversation, control the conversation and you can shape what people think and belive, control what people think and belive and you have there head in your grasp aka control. control the head and the body is yours. twelvetribes.org/articles/tools-of-control
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 16:56:59 +0000

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