i am not sure you if youve ever noticed this.... most of the - TopicsExpress


i am not sure you if youve ever noticed this.... most of the religious debates online, particularly among Malaysians, claim religious sensitivity should be respected and if possible, avoid discussing it at all.... but you will find most of them rather enjoy religious discussion ALL THE TIME...... all those long-long winded explanation shows certain writers would go to great length to either convince readers or try to make them understand.... sometimes they can get so excited they spent days or even months talking about just one subject of a religion..... here is the problem with religious discussion.... it says DISCUSSION but 99% of the time it leads to aggressive arguments or debates which often ends with someone jumping in and shout Ok folks, religious topic is too sensitive, lets stop it, make peace and give each other a warm hug... end of story.... notice the word SENSITIVE was said????..... now, if you go to ALL the religious debates we have ever had so far, whether in Malaysia, or associated with Malaysians, ONLINE, you will notice 99.99% of them do not include elements of psychology.... yes, psychology!!!.... apparently its a very important field of behavioral science which almost every religious scholar i know have tried to avoid.... lol..... you know why?.... because they are afraid to know that they might be suffering from a severe mental illness.... now, i am not saying God doesnt exist.... as a matter of fact I believe God DOES exist!!!.... yes I do.... ironic isnt it?..... as you can see, i too, belong in the group of the delusional..... however, there is a difference between me and the rest of the other so called delusionalists..... i am not afraid to say i have never met God or seen God in my life....... thats the truth.... i really havent met God before...... but for some reasons i know HE exists.... i dont know where HE is, but i do know he is SOMEWHERE!!.. so, good enough for me.... i am also not sensitive when ppl criticize my belief..... i have learnt to accept the fact that those who criticize probably do not understand the connection i have with God....... so its fine..... no worries...... i totally understand....... i am not insecure..... i am strong and i believe i always have been..... besides, its not like God will disappear when ppl criticize about HIM, right?........ so these ppl are not my enemies and they are not Gods enemies either....... you know why?..... because God created them too...... come on.... if there is only 1 CREATOR in this universe i am sure every living things on earth falls under his creation..... so, the only way God can have a real enemy is another God with the same POWER and STRENGTH..... i call it the war of Gods..... Creator vs Creator..... Almighty vs Almighty.... nothing to do with us humans.... if you believe this world is created by only ONE creator (ONE Almighty, HE neither beget nor begotten) you should be at peace..... because that creator LOVES US (including you) very much...... if you are not convinced then something is wrong with you.... not the religion.... its YOU!!!.... so whenever you are angry because someone criticizes your religion... take a deep breath, relax and remember this: its your mind playing tricks with you.... its controlling your emotion.... DO NOT let your anger consume you.... take control of it and most importantly, be the boss of your own mind.... remember i told you about about psychology?...... well, its a study of mind and behavior..... applications of psychology include mental health, treatment, performance enhancement, self-help, ergonomics, and many other areas affecting health (sometimes even spiritual health) and daily life..... its difficult to capture everything that psychology encompasses in just a brief definition.... topics such as development, personality, thoughts, feelings, SENSITIVITY, emotions, motivations, and social behaviors represent PSYCHOLOGY...... if you find that you are not able to control your sensitivity & emotion.... pls seek treatment... you can do it with a bit of psychological training.... just don put the blame on others.... you have to remember, you are not an animal... you are a human with complex thoughts.... you are capable of rewiring your thoughts... thats why we all go to school.... we learn and we adapt.... and we find solutions to help us better understand ourselves and the world we live in....
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 11:56:14 +0000

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