i can answer this, in part. i can say with 100% accuracy that - TopicsExpress


i can answer this, in part. i can say with 100% accuracy that his statistic about infant mortality rates is not actually factual. it is a bullshit statistic created specifically to make america look bad and other countries with socialized medicine look equal to or better than the u.s. there are documentaries on p.b.s. all the time about this very real and very true accounting. how is that possible you ask? other cultures COUNT live births differently than the u.s. does. in the u.s. if your baby is alive when it comes out of its mother it is COUNTED AS A LIVE BIRTH. other modernized western countries do NOT count every single fetus that is alive when it is removed from its mother as a LIVE BIRTH. ive watched the documentaries and seen the truth of this. there are other statistics from the w.h.o.=world health organization that are just pure affectation bullshit… how is it possible? statistics are numbers and math is bedrock solid? how can anyone argue with the numbers? BECAUSE NUMBERS ARE EASY TO MANIPULATE WHEN YOU CHANGE THE WAY YOU COUNT, CHANGE WHAT YOU CAN INCLUDE IN THE COUNT… ETC… another completely bullshit count from the w.h.o. and u.n. is how the u.s. winds up with a lower percentage ranking among other countries in the world for curing/treating diseases… they dont actually count how many people present with the symptoms and then how many treated: 1. respond to treatment/cure or 2.not. noooo. they dont count like that. they SKEW the count because of how the data is manipulated. if every single human being in the country has access to a treatment? then THAT IS COUNTED LIKE THAT. however, if every single human being in the country does NOT have equal access to a treatment? like our medical care in this country? then it doesnt matter how many people we treat or cure. the u.s. will not get credit for having the highest cure rate of, say: prostate cancer. even though we actually cure more men of it than anywhere else in the world IF YOU JUST LOOK AT THE NUMBERS… but they dont. THE W.H.O. SKEWED HOW THEY COUNTED THE STATS TO FAVOR SOCIALIZED MD COUNTS OVER FREE MARKET COUNTS. like the barack obama unemployment statistics… THEY JUST STOPPED COUNTING 1/3 OF THE UNEMPLOYED PERSONS IN THIS COUNTRY!!!!! they reported that they were going to change how they counted the unemployed. it made the front page of the paper. i heard some talking heads on the news spewing some 14 dollar words about it… AND 3 WEEKS LATER? ON THE FRONT PAGE OF THE NEWSPAPER? OBAMA ADMINISTRATION IS BRAGGING ABOUT HOW LOW THE UNEMPLOYMENT NUMBERS WERE COMPARED TO THE PROJECTED UNEMPLOYMENT NUMBERS… …and no one on abc, nbc, cbs, c.n.n. bothered to mention that if you put those that were not counted BACK IN THE COUNT? the REAL unemployment statistics- if the obama admin. were actually counting the same way our unemployed were counted under the bush admin and previous admin were counted? the real unemployment statistics were actually WORSE than the real projected counts… but the lead story on the msm channels was how awesome our new black president was doing in every area… a big reason why the diametrically opposed factions of left and right in this country cannot allow that there is an actual reality is largely because the left keeps screwing with how and what is counted, reported etc… so, it APPEARS that there are two sets of facts. when rush limbaugh, shawn hannity or sarah palin talk about the unemployment statistics? they refer to THE ACTUAL UNEMPLOYED… they dont just arbitrarily DEDUCT 1/3 of the unemployed people like the obama admin does… but when obamas supporters talk about the unemployed counts? THEY USE THE NEW WAY OF COUNTING UNEMPLOYED PEOPLE… they deduct that 1/3 of the unemployed who have quit looking for work. those folks were still in the unemployment counts under bush and clinton and reagan, etc… THE PROBLEM with characters like this blonde guy and real folks who spew and parrot these FALSE statistics to prove that america is NOT a great nation is that it destroys the conversation about what is really wrong here as well as abroad. but no one wants to talk about reality anymore. everyone has their pet ideas and they all have learned to skew the facts in their favor to support their own position and if you try to point out their lies? like when shawn hannity sarah palin or rush limbaugh talk about the ACTUAL UNEMPLOYED COUNTS? they are just labeled hate speech. just like you cant have a disagreement with barack obamas policies based solely on their merit. IT HAS TO BE BECAUSE HE IS A BLACK FACED MAN… see? you never actually get to talk about what is really wrong. so nothing changes. and the final outcome? since nothing is addressed for real, nothing changes and all the power and money that is being dispersed as it currently is? REMAINS THE SAME.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 16:53:41 +0000

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